TWENTY-TWO. house of patients

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As the Lakehouse Clinic was in the sights of River, Fabian, KT, and Eddie, the group was disappointed that they were down by two members now. Patricia didn't manage to catch up with them, but River knew she'd be fine. Currently, she and her friends were walking in the clinic hallway, attempting to look as natural as possible.

"Keep walking," Eddie told his friends, a forced smile on his face. "Keep smiling."

The group halted their tracks when KT accidentally bumped into a painting hung on the wall. She caught it before it fell and quickly put it back in the wall while River gave her a look of disbelief. Were all Americans terrible at being discreet?

"I didn't touch it," KT denied.

"Sure you didn't," River remarked as the group continued walking.

"Pretend like we're meant to be here," Eddie said.

Causing the group of four to stop again was one of the nurses who worked at the Lakehouse Clinic. He stepped in front of the quartet as they jumped at his sudden appearance.

"Can I help you?" The man asked.

"Assuming you work here then yes," River replied, attempting to disperse her friend's nervousness as she quickly remained calm.

"We're..." KT began as she cleared her throat. "We're here to see Harriet Denby."

"And you are?" The man inquired, causing the Sibuna members to grow silent for a moment. A thought thankfully hit River as she patted Eddie's shoulder with a smile.

"We're friends with him. He's her nephew," River said, giving Eddie a nod to carry on.

"Uh, yeah. I'm her nephew," Eddie carried on with the lie. "Yeah. Good ole Auntie Harriet."

"I see," the man responded. It looked like he bought the story because he gestured to the hallway beside him. "In there on the right." The four teens gave the man grateful smiles and attempted to step away from him. However, he spoke again, catching their attention. "Not that you'll get much sense out of her, I'm afraid. She's very disturbed, poor thing. Keeps talking about an ancient evil."

The four Sibunas let out strained laughs while the man before them chuckled in pure amusement. Oh, if only he knew. The quartet soon left the man and headed into the corridor. As they reached the room on the right, Fabian pushed the door open and stepped inside while River, Eddie, and KT followed in. River frowned slightly as her eyes landed on a woman with ginger hair, rocking in her rocking chair while holding a book and an awe expression on her face. The woman's face contorted into hope when her eyes landed on KT and she rose from her seat.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now