FORTY-TWO. house of spy-cams

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"Now, I must get going," Mr. Sweet said upon finishing his so-called inspirational speech. He headed for the exit, but River called him back.

"Oh, sir!" She called out. Sighing, Mr. Sweet turned to face her and she handed him his empty saucer with biscuit crumbs. "Thanks for the biscuits. Cappuccino is my favorite. How'd you know?"

Mr. Sweet looked at his saucer with a solemn expression. "Lucky guess."

He dragged himself out of the student lounge/drama room, dismayed that his teatime was ruined by his students.

. . .

"She stole our files?" River repeated Patricia's words, who nodded. The goth pixie had informed Sibuna as they walked through the corridor that Denby stole all six of their files from Sweet's office, which confused the group. "That's... creepy."

"Why does she want to secretly read up on us?" Fabian asked.

"I don't know, but we've got to find out," KT insisted.

"Well, Frobisher's awake. It's way too dangerous to keep going to the gatehouse," Eddie pointed out.

"If this was a movie, we'd send in a surveillance team to bug the place," Alfie said.

"Yeah, they'd hide those tiny spy cameras everywhere and we'd be able to spy on the gatehouse from the comfort of our beds," River agreed with her best friend. "Stupid reality."

"Alfie, River," Fabian spoke with a beam in his eye, causing the prank-loving duo to grow concerned. Chuckling, the nerd put each arm around the two while the rest (bar River and Alfie) grinned. Not again. "You guys are geniuses."

. . .

From all the pranks they pulled, River, Alfie, and Jerome had a lot of equipment that helped them succeed. One of them was the spy cameras they had used to prank Mara and her fear of the dark. It got them into a lot of trouble with Victor, but it was still funny for those twelve-year-olds.

The Sibunas were gathered in Eddie and Fabian's room, while Alfie was in the kitchen, planting the spy cam there. River sat at Eddie's desk in front of his computer, linking the device to the spy camera through Bluetooth. Upon doing so, the screen switched to a grainy view of the kitchen, where Trudy was washing the dishes while humming. It wasn't a hundred percent clear, but it was enough to be able to see in a ten-foot radius. The group shared smiles as Alfie entered the room and joined them huddled around River and the computer.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now