THIRTY-EIGHT. house of eclipse

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Darkness was quickly falling upon Amun Academic Boarding School as River and Fabian arrived at the gatehouse. They jumped over the ledge, noting that the eclipse was nearing any second and finding the outside of the gatehouse occupied by their two club mates. They hurried up to Eddie and KT, who looked as defeated as they did.

"Fabian, River!" KT exclaimed their names in relief.

"Look, we're sorry. We messed up," Fabian apologized.

"We thought we had Victor but we didn't. He managed to get out," River piped in, sounding equally disappointed.

"Don't worry, okay. We all messed up," Eddie informed the two. "They must be in the gatehouse by now. We have to get into it."

"Well, what's wrong with the cellar door?" Fabian asked.

"It's nailed from the inside," KT revealed, earning signs from River and Fabian.

"Of course it is," bitterly muttered River.

"Let's try the main door," Eddie suggested.

"No, we can't! We tried that last night," Fabian reminded him. "They changed the key code, remember."

"Great." Eddie groan as a grimace grew on his face. "We have to do something. Look at the sky!" River glanced up, seeing that the sky full of dark clouds only held a small light from the sun which was slowly being encapsulated by a black circle. "Come on, we've got to get in somehow." With only one option at hand, the Sibuna quartet made its way over to the main door of the gatehouse. They searched around the door, trying their luck at finding a way to open the door with a code for the padlock and hoping there'd be another secret entrance. "There's got to be someway in!"

"We're too late. Guys, it's too late," KT sadly pointed. "It's getting darker."

Releasing an irritated groan, River slammed her fists against the door. "Don't your Osirin powers have a way of opening this door, Junior?"

"River, that's not how they..." Eddie stopped himself midsentence as an epiphany hit him. "Wait!" His sudden exclaim prompted the rest of the group to approach him, wearing confused looks as to what he was thinking. "Do any of you have anything from Anubis House?"

"What?" KT inquired in perplexity.

"Something. Anything!"

"Well, I-I..." Fabian began with a stammer. River searched her pockets but there was nothing in there, leading her to give Eddie a defeated shrug, while Fabian shook his head in response. "No."

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now