FOURTEEN. house of projects

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Sitting on her bed with her phone by her ear, River's worried eyes failed to leave Amber's made bed. The blonde had not come back to the house which caused River to grow increasingly worried. Amber's phone kept ringing until her voicemail came through for the third time. River sighed as she stood up and put her phone in her jean pocket. She grabbed her school bag from her chair, regret lingering through her brain. She wished she could turn back time and hide wherever Amber hid so she'd know if her friend was safe.

A knock was heard from the door and River stepped forward to it. She pulled it open, finding Patricia, Fabian, and Alfie standing on the other side, also in their school uniform. Before they could say anything, River shook her head with a frown.

"Nothing?" Patricia sighed in defeat.

"Nothing," River confirmed, stepping out of her room and closing the door as she joined her friends in the corridor. "Amber didn't come back last night and she's still not answering any of my calls or texts."

"Let's get to the gatehouse."

The four friends were about to make their way to the door of the girls' corridor. However, they halted their steps when their ever-so grumpy caretaker Victor Rodenmaar stepped out of it, appearing before them.

"On the girls' landing before breakfast?" Victor eyed the two boys.

"Uhm, yeah, well, we're, uh..." Fabian trailed off as the group shared nervous looks.

"We're just getting on with our Business Studies project," Alfie quickly said.

"Yeah, it's super important." River nodded in agreement. She almost forgot about the project.

"Exactly," Patricia carried on. "And the first rule of business is..."

"Business never..." Fabian spoke as he and the rest attempted to come up with the rest of the lie through their murmurs.

Thankfully, they all uttered the same thing to Victor, "Business never sleeps!"

"Downstairs," was all Victor responded with. River was glad he didn't question their failed attempt at a lie as she and her friends rushed past Victor. "Without running."

Slowing their steps, River, Fabian, Patricia, and Alfie exited the girls' corridor. They headed down the staircase as the nerd of the group spoke up, "Okay, we need to get to the gatehouse before school, so no hanging around at breakfast."

Before the group could even take further steps to the kitchen's entrance, Alfie was quick to stop the others. "Look, guys, I just want to find out what's happened to Amber. Forget breakfast." River couldn't help but share a shocked look with Fabian and Patricia as they approached Alfie again. She never thought Alfie Lewis of all people would ever say something along those lines. Even Alfie was shocked at his words. "Those are words I never thought I'd say."

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now