ONE. house of arrivals

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The chilly breeze of the new Autumn season hit the face of Abigail-River Lawrence as her head rested against the open window of her car. Her newly trimmed hair, which now hung above her shoulders, was pushed back by the wind as she tried to focus on the nice breeze, instead of what Ryder Lawrence was yammering on and on about. It was a new school year at Amun Academic Boarding School, River's last school year, and she had never been thankfully for today.

The summer holidays were amazing. Apart from spending the first summer holiday without her mum and brother, River did have the company of her prank-loving friends, Alfie Lewis and Jerome Clarke, much to her dad's liking. The three friends hung out a lot, scheming new and unique pranks for their last school year. River did see Amber, but it was only for the first week of summer as the blonde spent the rest of her summer in New York for Fashion School. And, of course, River and Noah hung out a lot and she hung out with Patricia, Joy, Mara, and Fabian too.

Other than spending time with her friends, when she had free days, River found herself experimenting with her music. Whether it was learning new instruments or playing around with the tech of music or even writing more of her songs, River felt a strong passion for music and she wanted to make a living out of it. It even helped her when it came to coming out to her dad. However, that didn't end as sweet as River hoped.

The car finally stopped, parking in the busy parking lot of Amun Academic Boarding School. River unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car. She ignored her dad calling her as she shut the door and headed to the boot of the car.

As she pushed the button to open the boot, her dad continued, "You cannot mess up this year, remember that."

"I didn't mess up last year," River muttered.

"You got two Bs, River," Ryder reminded her. River rolled her eyes and pulled her suitcase out of the boot. "Your mum and Shawn are gone, so I don't want to hear any excuses, saying that you have distractions. This year counts a lot. Don't blow it. You can't play around with music anymore—"

"I haven't been playing around with music, Dad," River sharply interjected, setting her suitcase down and closing the boot. Her stare at her dad was filled with annoyance, wondering why he wasn't getting her passion. "It's not a dream; it's serious. I'm great at making music and playing it and I know I can go somewhere with it. If you just listen—"

"I think I heard enough in that song you played me," Ryder sternly remarked, prompting River to scoff in disbelief.

"You mean when I came out to you, hoping that my own father would accept me for who I am and see how hard it was for me to tell him?" She rhetorically inquired, seeing that her dad was giving worried glances to everyone passing them. River furrowed her brows before an epiphany hit her. "Oh, I get it. You're embarrassed of me." Before Ryder could open his mouth, River turned around, yelling out, "Hey, everyone, guess what?! I'm ga—"

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now