TWENTY-THREE. house of lockdowns

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One thing the residents of Anubis House could agree on was how annoying it was when Victor pulled them out of their slumber for one of his impromptu dramatic speeches. The ten teenagers stood in a line in the living room, wearing confused and tired faces, while Victor, Trudy, and Miss Denby were in the room with them. However, the members of Sibuna weren't confused. It was clear that whatever caused this abrupt call had to do with them sneaking by the gatehouse since Patricia informed River, Alfie, Fabian, and KT that Miss Denby interrogated her.

The only reason the Anubis gang were kept standing in complete silence under Victor's order was because of Eddie Miller. River had a feeling that he wouldn't have made it back to the house before curfew. Hence the reason Victor had been waiting in the entrance hall for him to arrive. Victor stepped back into the living room with Eddie by his side. He made his way to stand at the end of the line beside Patricia. River glanced down to him from where she stood between Noah and Alfie, seeing that the American had a frown on his face. It looked like he had no luck getting Harriet out.

"I am grateful to Miss Denby for bringing to my attention this flagrant breach of the rules," Victor began his scolding as he walked behind the students. "Students are not permitted to leave the grounds of Anubis House without permission. Let alone, seek to gain entry to a discotheque."

"We never really—" Alfie began.

"Be quiet!" Victor yelled, causing everyone to flinch. "As some of you cannot be trusted, all of you must pay the price. Trudy."

"Yes, Victor?" Trudy replied, a sorrowful look on her face toward the teens.

"From now until further notice, Anubis House is on lockdown," Victor decided as he made his way to walk before the residents who frowned at his decision. "This means students are not permitted to leave the house except to attend school. They are to be escorted to their classes. They are to be given basic rations only. Which means no cakes, no treats."

"Wait—" Alfie attempted to argue.

"Be quiet, Lewis!" Victor demanded and Alfie shut his lips. River glanced over at him, the duo wearing the same disappointed frown. "Now go to your rooms."

The Anubis residents filed out, all of them wearing equally disheartened expressions on their faces. Victor really knew how to crush their spirits.

. . .

River never thought she'd think this, but she actually wanted to stay at school for the whole day. Now that Anubis House was on lockdown, going back to the house seemed miserable, especially since she couldn't eat any of the treats she usually would eat when she came back from school. However, Miss Denby was monitoring the Anubis students back to the house, so River had no choice. She found herself walking to one of the classrooms with Fabian under Miss Denby's order who instructed the two to round up the gang. And in the History classroom sat KT by a desk with her laptop out, prompting River and Fabian to enter the classroom.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now