Snakeclan, Birdclan, Rabbitclan, and Fishclan

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Snakeclan, Birdclan, Rabbitclan, Fishclan


LEADER:   WHITESTAR- Big muscular white tom with blue eyes.

MEDICINE CAT:   BERRYFERN- Small cream tom with blue eyes.
Apprentice- Barkpaw

DEPUTY:   LIGHTNINGSKY- Handsome blue gray tom with blue eyes.


LEADER:   FINSTAR- Sleek pale gray tom with darker gray stripes and dark blue eyes.

MEDICINE CAT:   MINTYLEAF- Pretty white she cat with bright green eyes.
Apprentice- Lilypaw

DEPUTY:   MINNOWCLAW- Black and silver tabby tom with pale green eyes.


LEADER:   RUSHSTAR- Really small brown and gray tabby tom with pale yellow eyes.

MEDICINE CAT:   SOFTLEAF- Soft furred black she cat with leaf green eyes.
Apprentice- Rosepaw

DEPUTY:   CINDERCLOUD- Lean dark gray almost black she cat with amber eyes.


LEADER:   HAWKSTAR- Broad shouldered brown tabby tom with amber eyes.

MEDICINE CAT:   HIDDENROSE- Pinkish reddish she cat with heather blue eyes.
Apprentice- Flowerpaw

DEPUTY:   DAWNCLOUD- Pretty cream tabby she cat with bright blue eyes.

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