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Five days later...

     "I'm going to the gathering! I'm going to the gathering! I'm going to the gathering" Blackpaw cheered running in circles around me.

     I purred softly, leaning over I have him a gentle cuff around his ear. "If you don't behave I'll have you searching the Elders ticks for a moon" I threatened.

     His green eye went wide "you wouldn't" he gasped. I have him a cheeky grin "I would."

     Instantly he sat beside me, sitting stiff still. "You look like a duck" I teased. He glared at me "I do not" he grumbled with a huff.

     Rolling my eyes I looked around camp for Deathcry's shadowy form. There sitting a little away from Darkwolf was Deathcry intently watching him.

     From the Squirrelrock Sorrelstar raised her tail. Bunching her muscles she neatly leaped off, landing with a thump beside Darkwolf.

     Darkwolf sprang into the air growling he turned to see who had scared the tail off of him. When he realized it was Sorrelstar he ducked his head apologetically.

     Sorrelstar rolled her eyes, turning around she called "let's go" with a flick of her tail she disappeared through the camp entrance.

     I flicked my tail turning to Blackpaw I meowed "let's go, before we get left behind."

     He gave me a tiny nod. We raced after the others who had already left.

     After running for a while we reached five trees. I skidded to a sudden halt making Blackpaw bash into my hind end.

     Sorrelstar and the others were already running down the hill into five trees. "Come on Blackpaw" I murmured turning to my black apprentice.

     We trotted down the hill and reached five trees clearing. "You can go meet the apprentices from other clans" I told Blackpaw.

     "Okay thanks Maplewhisker" he meowed trotting over to a group of apprentices next to one of the five trees.

     "Who are you going to talk to?" A voice asked making me jump. Turning around I slapped Deathcry's shoulder with my paw.

     "Don't scare me like that Deathcry" I scolded. He grinned at me mischief glittering in his dark green eyes.

     "Hey Maplewhisker over here" Lightningsky called from where he sat talking to Whitestar and Breezewind.

     A growl rumbled deep within Deathcry's throat. I gave him a sympathetic lick before trotting over to the three warriors.

     When I reached them I noticed Breezewind had a couple long scars across his face. Sitting down I twitched my ears in greeting.

     "So Breezewind here tells me you have a dark forest warrior on your side" Lightningsky growled his eyes narrowed.

     I stiffened. Whitestar narrowed his eyes "is it true Maplewhisker?" he asked sternly.

     With a sigh I ducked under a bush and motioned for them to follow. When the four of us were seated comfortably I lifted my head to meet their eyes.

     "I'll tell you the truth of you promise not to say a word to anyone else then us four" I meowed giving them hard looks.

     "We promise" they meowed at the same time. "Good,my dark forest friend is helping me defeat a traitor in my clan." I growled.

     The tree cats exchanged shocked looks. "Who is the traitor in your clan?" Breezewind demanded.

     "I'm afraid that's the only information I'll tell you" I meowed stubbornly stalking out of the bushes to go see how Blackpaw was getting along.

     "Maplewhisker wait" Lightningsky called after me. Ignoring him I found Blackpaw face to face with a Snakeclan apprentice snarling at each other.

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