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When we reached camp Sorrelstar was already sitting on the squirrelrock glowing with pride for her kits.

     Licking my fur I cleaned it until it shined like the moon. On my right side Tinypaw's white fur was nicely groomed. Beside Tinypaw was Fernpaw eagerly grooming her fur as well.

     "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the squirrelrock for a clan meeting" Sorrelstar yowled.

     Once the Squirrelclan cats were sitting down Sorrelstar began talking once again.

     "Tinypaw, Fernpaw, and Maplepaw step" forward Sorrelstar ordered.

     The three siblings walked forward their head and tails held high with pride.

     "I, Sorrelstar, leader of Squirrelclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these three apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn."

     "Tinypaw, Fernpaw, and Maplepaw do you three promise to uphold the warrior code protect and defend this clan even at the cost of your lives?

     Tinypaw puffed out his chest fur in pride "I do"

     "I do" Fernpaw purred with pride.

     Lifting my chin I meowed "I do"

     "Than by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior names...

     "Tinypaw from this moment you shall be known as Tinyglow Starclan honors your Pride and skill in hunting and we welcome you as a full warrior of Squirrelclan."

     When Sorrelstar rested her head on his he gave her shoulder a lick in return.

     Turning to Fernpaw she began again, "Fernpaw from this moment you shall be known as Fernshine, Starclan honors your loyalty and Determination and we welcome you as a full warrior of Squirrelclan."

     "And Maplepaw, from this moment you shall be known as Maplewhisker, Starclan honors your hope and skill in fighting and we welcome you as a full warrior of Squirrelclan."

     With a purr I padded up to her, resting her head on mine she whispered "I knew you could do it" with a smile I gave her shoulder a lick.

     When I stepped back the clan erupted into loud cheers, "TINYGLOW! FERNSHINE! MAPLEWHISKER!"


     When Sorrelstar lifted her tail the clan fell silent. "Now it's time for five kits to become apprentices" She purred. I

     "Poppykit, Creamkit, Winterkit, Turtlekit, and Blackkit step forward."

     I watched as the six moon old kits lifted their tiny tails in the air with happiness and excitement.

     "From this moment until you earn your warrior names you five shall be known as Poppypaw, Creampaw, Winterpaw, Turtlepaw, and Blackpaw."

     Graydart will mentor Turtlepaw, Elmshade will mentor Creampaw, Tinyglow will mentor Winterpaw, Fernshine will mentor Poppypaw, and Maplewhisker you shall mentor Blackpaw."

     Purring with happiness I trotted up to my new apprentice leaning down I gently touched my nose to his.

     "I have to take my vigil tonight but tomorrow we will explore Squirrelclan territory" I told Blackpaw.

     Blackpaw gave me a excited nod before darting over to the other apprentices.

     Walking over to Tinyglow and Fernshine I sat down beside them and watched the entrance ready for anything.

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