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The next morning my eyes flew open with my words I had said to Deathcry ringing in my head. I'll only ever be yours.

     With a tired yawn I dragged myself out of my nest. Glancing around I noticed the sun was beginning to rise.

     It's dawn I thought. I guess I'll go see if I can go with the dawn patrol.

     Walking out of the apprentices den I saw Drizzleheart, Leafsong, Starlingfur, and Palerain getting ready to leave.

     "Can I come on the dawn patrol with you?" I asked. "I guess" Leafsong answered.

     "Great! What border are we going to first Rabbitclan or Snakeclan?" Leafsong blinked at me " Snakeclan" he meowed.

     I nodded eagerly. "Come on" Palerain ordered leading the way out of camp.

     Running through the trees we reached the Snakeclan border. Coming out between the huge pine trees was the Snakeclan dawn patrol.

     "Greetings Mousetail, how is the prey running in Snakeclan?" Palerain asked politely.

     "None of your business" a pale ginger she cat spat. Sandypaw. She looked at the Squirrelclan patrol when her eyes landed in me they turned form discuss to hatred.

     "Good to see you too sandypaw" I hissed. "That's Sandyscar to you" she snarled. 

     I grinned "Sandyscar I see I thought your name was going to be like hmmm Sandyflower."

     She gave me a death glare "it would be if you never gave me this scar" she spat.

     I rolled my eyes "actually it was your fault because you said you were glad Leafwhisker is dead."

     When she opened her mouth to argue Mousetail let out a hiss "enough you two" he scolded.

     I glared at him "your not my mentor" I snarled. With a toss of my head I stalked after Palerain who was impatiently waiting for me.

     After we went to the Rabbitclan border and marked it we headed back to camp.

     When I walked into camp Adderclaw came stomping over to me. "Where have you been?" he bellowed his tail twitching with rage.

     "I went on the dawn patrol" I mumbled. He sighed calming down. "Next time ask me before you go" he scolded.

     I bowed my head "Yes Adderclaw" I meowed obediently. He smiled purring with amusement.

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