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Sorrelstar's P.O.V

     "Maplewhisker stay with me" I yowled as I watched my daughter fall to the ground.

     I took off running skidding to a halt I collapsed beside her limp body. Touching my nose to her neck I checked for any signs of life.

     There was a faint heart beat thumping against my nose. With a sigh of relief I looked for the sound that was pouring out blood.

     There on the back her neck was a deep wound. "SILVERFEATHER I NEED YOU" I roared my voice cracking with a sob.

     "Yes Sorrelstar?" Silverfeather asked appearing at my side her paws stained green.

     " it's Maplewhisker " I whispered nodding to her who was laying unconsciously at my paws.

     Silverfeather gasped leaning down she started checking for wounds. "Sorrelstar I need cobwebs lots of cobwebs" she whispered urgently.

     I darted away searching for cobwebs. Finally I found a bunch inside of a old tree.

     Running back to Silverfeather I handed them to her. Giving me a grateful nod she started pressing them on the back of her neck and chest.

     "If she gets worse come get me" I whispered. Silverfeather have me a nod before getting back to work.

     Trotting back towards Squirrelclan i stopped beside the warriors who were licking there wounds.

     Meanwhile Oakleaf was darting about treating cats. "Is every cat alright?" I asked.

     The cats shook there heads. "Tinyglow? Fernshine? are you alright?" I asked trotting over to the two siblings.

     " Were alright mom" they both purred. "What about Maplewhisker is she alright I haven't saw her yet" a tiny voice whispered behind her.

     Turning I saw Blackpaw Maplewhisker's apprentice standing next to Whitestar the cat I loved.

     I felt unshed tears gathering in my eyes. With a choked sob I whispered "Maplewhisker's hurt very badly" I whispered my legs threatening to collapse.

     I felt soft fur press against mine, turning I buried my face in Whitestar's fur inhaling his sweet sent.

     Lifting my head I mumbled "Thanks Whitestar I needed that." He purred softly " that's all right " he murmured.

     Pulling away I darted over to Silverfeather who was gently scolding Fernshine, Tinyglow, and Elmshade.

     "Be gentle she's hurt very badly" Silverfeather warned the three warriors.

      "We will Silverfeather" they meowed. Walking over to them I helped Tinyglow and Fernshine get Maplewhisker on Elmshade's

     "Squirrelclan let's go" I ordered. On our way back to camp Snakeclan went to there own border.

     Once we reached camp I glanced at Maplewhisker with worry. As I turned to go over there Silverfeather shot me a stern look.

     With a sigh I slid into my nest. Laying down I started to drift off into sleep.

     Please Starclan let Maplewhisker live please i silently bagged to Starclan before falling asleep.

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