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I huffed with annoyance "Moooooom" I grumbled " are you two done arguing?"

Sorrelstar and Whitestar exchanged embarrassed looks. "Sorry" they both muttered.

"Whitestar?" A deep voice asked from the mouth of the den "Can I come in?"

" You may" Whitestar called back. I looked up as a too handsome blue-gray tom appear.

"Sorrelstar, Whitestar" Lightningsky dipped his head respectfully to the two leaders.

He turned his sleek head to me "and you are... "Maplepaw. My name is Maplepaw I said bluntly.

      Lightningsky have me a sharp glare "hello Maplepaw" he said.

      I scolded at him then turned to my mother "are we going home?" I asked.

     " Yes" Sorrelstar purred. "Than let's go" I said marching out of the den.

      As I slid out of Whitestar's den Elmpaw bounded up to me "everything okay?" he asked looking worried .

      "Yes" I grumbled. He purred rubbing his head against my cheek.

        I stiffened my tail twitching. I heard a purr of amusement behind me.

        I turned meeting my mother's pale green eyes. I gave her a hard look my eyes saying "I do NOT like him."

        Her mouth curved into a smirk her eyes answering "if you say so."

        She gave me one last amused look before yowling " Lets go Squirrelclan."

       I sighed with relief "about time" I hissed to her brother Tinypaw.

       Tinypaw purred with agreement as the patrol left Snakeclan camp.

       My paws felt like they where going to fall off as we reached camp.

        I purred as I eagerly darted over to my nest in the apprentices den.

        As I was drifting off to sleep I heard Fernpaw hiss in my ear "Elmpaws mine."

        " You can have him for all I care" I growled sleepily. All I heard before drifting off to sleep was "Good."

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