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I felt a paw jab me harshly in my side. My head shot up and I found myself staring into Elmpaw's pale green eyes.

"What" I snapped. He glared at me tears shimmering in his eyes.

"Leafwhisker's dead" he cried tears streaming down his face.
I stiffened remembering that Leafwhisker was Elmpaw and his brother Oakpaw's mother.

I shot to my paws "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. He sighed "I tried but you wouldn't wake up" he grumbled.

I looked at my paws " did the elders bury her yet?" I whispered a lump starting to form in my throat.

He nodded looking upset. "C..c..can you show me where they buried her" I asked shakely.

He sighed mumbling "ya."

"First I need to speak with Sorrelstar and Silverfeather" I growled. "Alone" I hissed as he started to follow me.

"Fine" he snapped "I'll just be in the apprentices den when your done."

I gave him a tiny nod before heading to Sorrelstar's den.

"Sorrelstar?" I called sticking my head into my mother's den. I flushed with embarrassment when I saw Darkwolf, Silverfeather, Palerain, and Adderclaw gathered around her.

"Yes?" Sorrelstar asked frowning. "Err I can come back later" I mumbled backing out of the den.

"No No no that's quite all right" Sorrelstar purred "we where done anyways."

She flicked her tail " your dismissed" she said. " I want to talk to Silverfeather too" I blurted out.

Sorrelstar blinked muttering "if she needs to speak with Silverfeather and me it must be important."

I watched as she stuck her head out of her den

A few seconds later Silverfeather appeared "yes?" She asked. "Maplepaw needs to speak with us" Sorrelstar meowed.

They both looked at me questionably. I sighed "last night when I fell asleep I woke up to find myself in a beautiful starlit forest" I said.

"Go on" Silverfeather murmured. I glance at her then began again " Leafwhisker came to me, she told me that a Snakeclan warrior did not kill her."

Sorrelstar leaned forward "Than who did?" She asked looking bewildered.

"She didn't exactly say. All she said was a Squirrelclan warrior killed her."

Sorrelstar's and Silverfeather's mouths dropped open with utter shock and disbelief.

"Is that all?" Sorrelstar growled. " No" I mumbled. Silverfeather tipped her head as my eyes glowed white and a strange voice came tumbling out of my mouth...

Beware the cat that lurks in the shadows,

Beware the cat that watches you sleep,

Beware the cat that watches your every move.

The last thing I saw was Sorrelstar's and Silverfeather's shocked and horrified faces before everything went black

~Maplewhisker's Prophecy~Where stories live. Discover now