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Marching over to the dark forest border I angrily stalked into the murky woods looking for a familiar dark blue tom.

     I quietly searched the dark forest trying not to bump into any cats. Finally after a long time of searching I saw a dark blue pelt curled up beneath a tree.

     Stalking over to him I gently nudged his cheek with my nose. "Deathcry get up" I hissed in his ear.

     His jaws stretched open in a enormous yawn. "What do you want Snakeheart?" he grumbled without opening his pretty eyes.

     "You mousebrain it's me Maplewhisker" I snapped. His head shot up "Maplewhisker what are you doing here?" He demanded.

     "Why didn't you tell me Darkwolf was training here" I spat furiously without answering his question.

     His eyes widened "how did you know that?" he asked. "A Starclan warrior told me" I hissed.

     "Now tell me" I growled. He heaved a sigh "I don't know why he trained here, I was going to figure out why he did but now you know" he growled back.

     "He's training here because he killed Leafwhisker and now he tried to kill me" I roared. His eyes flashed with rage "how dare he try to kill you" he snarled.

     "Go back to Starclan and stay there" he ordered. I sighed with annoyance but did what I was told.

     Making my way back I trotted over the border back into Starclan territory. Going over to a tree I laid down watching the young kits and apprentices play.


Deathcry's P.O.V

     No one tries to kill the cat I love, not on my watch I thought furiously as I stalked away from Maplewhisker.

     I stomped over to where Snakeheart trains Darkwolf. When I entered their training place Darkwolf and Snakeheart were sitting there licking their wounds.

     With a hiss I stalked over to Darkwolf, slashing my thorn sharp claws across his chest I snarled "That's for trying to kill Maplewhisker."

     Darkwolf looked shocked "who are you? And how do you know Maplewhisker?" he demanded.

     "My name is Deathcry, and Maplewhisker is mine" I hissed. Snakeheart was watching us with his eyes narrowed.I

     Darkwolf looked angry "Why would you protect Maplewhisker of all cats?" he sneered.

     I flattened my ears letting out a warning hiss I snarled "Just remember Darkwolf, you mess with her you mess with me."

     His mouth dropped. Ignoring him I stormed away back towards my nest curling up I whispered I'll always watch over you my love.

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