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One and a half moons later

     I grumbled as I turned again, I just couldn't get comfortable with this huge belly of mine. I am due any day now.

     As I was about to turn again pain ripped across my stomach. I let out a hiss of pain. "Sweetsong..my..kits...coming...now" I gasped out between the pain.

     Sweetsong raced out of the den, yowling "Silverfeather, Maplewhisker's kits are coming now."

     A few seconds later Silverfeather rushed into the den. Crouching beside me she nudged a couple herbs my way. "Eat" she ordered.

     Growling I ate the herbs obediently. I let out a yowl of pain as the first kit started to come.

     Sorrelstar and Oakleaf appeared beside me. Oakleaf nudged a stick in front of me. "Here bite on this" he whispered. Sorrelstar was licking my head in smoothing strokes.

     I bit down hard as the first kit slid out. "Its a tom" Oakleaf purred gently setting the kit at my belly.

     I let out a roar of agony. Through my pain I heard a voice purr "another tom." My breathing was uneven now as another ripple pasted through my stomach.

     "Two more Maplewhisker you can do this" Sorrelstar murmured into my ear. Hissing I chilled down hard as the third kit slid out.

     "Another tom" Silverfeather purred. One more kit, one more kit I can do this I thought anxiously.

     With one last hard push the stick splintered into pieces as the last kit came. "Its a she kit" Oakleaf purred. "Your done Maplewhisker" Silverfeather murmured.

     I nodded looking down at my kits. The first kit was a tortoiseshell tom kit, The second kit was a dark gray tabby tom, the third kit was a silver and black tabby tom, and the last one was a dark blue she kit.

     I touched the first kit on the head "Juniperkit" I murmured. "The second will be Smokekit, the third will be Ripplekit, and the last kit will be Nightkit" I purred softly.

     Sorrelstar nodded "beautiful" she whispered. I felt sticky wet liquid in my chest, looking down I realized my chest wound had opened up.

     My breathing was starting to get ragged as I gasped for air. "Mother?" I rasped. Her eyes where wide as she stared at me.

     " I'm not going to live" I whispered softly. Tears started to stream down her face "You have to" she begged.

     "I love you mother, but before I go tell Elmshade that these kits are not his there Deathcry's" I purred.

     "What do you mean there not Elmshade's? " she asked with a sob. "Go to Lightningsky, and ask him who Deathcry is" I whispered.

     My breathing was getting shallower "goodbye mother tell everyone not to grieve, I love you" with that I jerked once then lay still.

     When I opened my eyes Leafwhisker and Deathcry were leaning over me.

     Deathcry's fur was dotted with silvery stars, I looked at my own fur and noticed it was just like his.

     "I'm dead" I murmured. Leafwhisker gave me a gentle lick on the head. "Come Maplewhisker, your time on earth is over" she whispered softly.

     I took one last look behind me before I followed Deathcry and Leafwhisker into the stars forever.

     I'll watch over you my kits I promise I whispered, then I was gone.

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