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Running through the forest I finally reached the entrance to Squirrelclan's camp.

     With a sigh I ducked into the tunnel entrance. Walking quietly I padded through the tunnel.

     Poking my head into camp I saw Darkwolf and Sorrelstar standing beneath the squirrelrock arguing.

     "We need to send out a search patrol to find her. She hasn't come back all night and all morning" Sorrelstar growled .

     "I say we wait and see if she comes back later, then we can send out a search patrol" Darkwolf argued.

     "I know but she's my daughter and I'm worried about her" She meowed looking tired and worried.

     "You were up all night waiting for her and you need to get some sleep." He hissed.

     "But I..."  I rolled my eyes inwardly she worries to much I thought grumbling.

     Sliding into camp I trotted over to them. "Hello mother" I purred as I reached her and Darkwolf.

     Sorrelstar turned when she saw me relief filled her gaze. "Where did you go? I was so worried."

     I ducked my head with embarrassment as she covered my face in loving licks.

     "Mom?" I asked. "Yes my dear?"  "Did you really not sleep all night with?" I meowed.

     She sighed "no I didn't."  "Mother" I scolded. "You are going to take a nap" I announced nudging her to her den.

     "But it's Elmpaw's warrior ceremony today." She argued. "I don't care you are going to take a nap and then you can have his warrior ceremony." I meowed.

     "I suppose I'll take a little nap" she mumbled patting to her den.

     With a sigh of relief I went to go find Adderclaw. Poking my head into the warriors den I called "Adderclaw?"

     In the back of the den Adderclaw lifted his head. "Yes Maplepaw?"

     "Do you need me to do anything today?" I asked. He nodded "You can go tend to the elders."

     I groaned, as I stomped towards the elders den. "You need anything" I asked the four old siblings.

     Flameclaw let out a raspy purr " yes, go get us some new moss, Flintclaw has been whining about achy bones lately she meowed with a amused glance at her brother.

     Flintclaw scowled at her and they began to bicker. I left  them arguing to go get moss.

     Walking out of camp I reach the Moss Cave where the softest and cleanest moss grows.

     Neatly a gathered up as much moss I could carry. Walking back to camp I slid into the elders den and noticed the four elders were gone.

     Shrugging my shoulders I got to work cleaning out the old moss and putting in the new.

     After I was done with that I went over to the prey pile. Grabbing a pigeon I took off the feathers and added them to the elders nests.

     "Flintclaw, Fleckclaw, Flightclaw, Flameclaw I'm done with your nests" I called.

     A few seconds later the four elders emerged from the nursery. I assumed they went to see the kits.

     "Finally" Flintclaw growled ungratefully. Flameclaw rolled her eyes at him then turned to me "thank you Maplepaw" she purred.

     "Do any of you have ticks?" I asked. The four siblings shook there heads.

     With a relived sigh I left. When I came out of the den I noticed the clan has gathered.

     Right, it's Elmpaw's warrior ceremony I thought.

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