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  "Where are we going hunting at" I asked grumpily. "Squirrel tree." Adderclaw answered.

     After we walked a little ways I stopped lifting my head to scent the air. "Were here." I growled.

     On my left side Elmpaw muttered " mouse-brain." Whipping my head around I snarled "Whoever catches three or more squirrels doesn't have to clean the elders den for a moon."

     His green eyes narrowed " your on" he hissed. We both turned to our mentors for permission.

     Adderclaw and Sweetsong exchanged a knowing look. Turning to there apprentices they gave them there permission with a dip of there heads.

    "I'll go towards Snakeclan and you go towards Rabbitclan" I told Elmpaw.

     He gave me a curt nod before disappearing between a bush. Lifting my head I started to scent the air.

     A familiar musky scent drifted in through my mouth. Squirrel I thought excitedly.

     Crouching down I followed the scent, leading me to where it was holding a nut in its paws busily gnawing away.

     Watching it I quietly stalked up to it, when I was about a few steps away I stopped then sprang landing on its tail I have it a swift bite to it's neck killing it instantly.

     Purring with satisfaction I buried it with dirt.

     A few moments later I had caught four squirrels in all. Try to beat that Elmpaw I thought smugly.

     When I entered into camp I noticed Elmpaw sitting proudly over three squirrels in front of the prey pile.

     Grinning around the squirrels fluffy tails I pranced up to him and set the four squirrels at his paws.

     His eyes widened as he saw the four squirrels laying there in front of him.

     "You cheated Maplepaw" he burst out. "No I didn't." I yelled back.

     "Yes you did."

     "No I didn't."

     "Yes you did."

     Before I could open my mouth to argue Adderclaw appeared at my side.

      "She did not cheat Elmpaw" Adderclaw meowed laying his tail on my shoulder.

       "How would you know" Elmpaw spat his tail twitching angrily.

     "I would know because I watched her the entire time." Adderclaw meowed.

     "Fine" Elmpaw grumbled before stalking over to Fernpaw who was watching with narrowed eyes from beside the prey pile.

     "You better go clean the elders den before they come after you with there ticks" I yowled after him.

     I felt a paw give me a cuff around my left ear. When I turned I saw Adderclaw give me a warning glare.

     "Sorry" I muttered. Looking up at the sky I saw that the moon was full.

     It's the gathering tonight I thought excitedly. From the corner of my eye I saw the clan was gathered in the front of the squirrelrock waiting for Sorrelstar to say who was going to the gathering.

     "The cats who are going to the gathering tonight is Darkwolf, Adderclaw, Sweetsong, Drizzleheart, Palerain, Timberfoot, Silverfeather, Flameclaw, Fernpaw, Tinypaw, Oakpaw, Elmpaw, and Maplepaw.

     Yay I get to go to the gathering tonight!!!

     But on the dark side it will be my first gathering without Leafwhisker. I thought gloomy.

      "Let's go" Sorrelstar yowled and away we went. 

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