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  Paws shook me awake "Maplewhisker get up" a cat hissed. I rolled over "leave me alone" I mumbled pawing at soft fur.

     " Maplewhisker you need to get up now" the cat hissed louder. Grumbling I opened my eyes a dark blue face was starring into mine.

     I sprang to my paws "sorry Deathcry" I whispered. "Come on before Darkwolf gets away" he growled trotting out of the den.

     I scurried after him. Quietly poking my head out of the den, I glanced around to make sure no one was up.

     Everything was quiet and still. I sneakily padded over to the dirtplace tunnel and slid in, ducking under a bush I successfully made it out of camp without being caught.

     Deathcry appeared in front of me, "this way" he whispered tilting his head towards the Kittypet border.

     Running swiftly and quietly, we reached the end of Squirrelclan territory. I scanned the bushes looking for any movement.

     "There" I whispered pointing to a bramble bush. He walked over to it then poked his head threw. He waved his tail for me to come.

     I trotted over to him and poked my head into the bush. I almost gasped out loud at what I saw.

     There was Darkwolf, sitting beside him was a large brown tabby tom. Behind them were tons of other large and small cats.

     "Are your cats ready to kill some measly Squirrelclan warriors Bear?" Darkwolf asked.

     The large tom let out a hiss "we were born to kill" Bear snarled his amber eyes narrowed.

     Darkwolf's eyes glinted "Good, if I die, keep fighting, kill every cat who won't join you" he snarled.

     "Oh we will don't you worry" Bear purred silky. "Go now" Darkwolf snapped. Bear nodded "You heard him let's go" Bear snapped at his cats, and then they were gone.

     Darkwolf turned his strikingly yellow eyes met my blue. "Glad you could join me Maplewhisker" he sneered.

     I let out a angry snarl "I will never join you murder" I spat my eyes filled with rage.

     "Fine then you'll did along with everyone else" he spat. "Oh Darkwolf your not alone" a silky voice whispered.

     Snakeheart appeared beside Darkwolf grinning. "Your all alone Maplewhisker" Snakeheart sneered.

     My ears flattened to my head, Deathcry was gone to warn Squirrelclan, so I was alone.

     " I would rather die than join the cat who killed Leafwhisker " I spat my voice dripping with venom.

     Snakeheart rolled his eyes "then you'll die" he whispered. With that the two of them sprang claws out stretched.

     Hissing I dodged barely missing Snakeheart's claws. I struggled against the two cats.

     A few seconds later I was pinned to the ground on my back. I starred up into snakeheart and Darkwolf's grinning faces.

     "Gotcha" they both hissed "now your dead."  Snakeheart raised his paw claws glinting in the moonlight.

     I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the killing blow..

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