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Rushstar bared his teeth in a beginning of a snarl. When he saw it was only her he burst out laughing.

     "Its only you" he sneered "is Squirrelclan to scared to come fight us!"

     I have him my coldest glare " no Squirrelclan is not afraid of you so there" I spat viciously.

     He rolled his eyes giving me a smirk as a Fishclan patrol arrived behind him.

     Mousedug Fishclan is here too Starclan, Deathcry help us I silently bagged.

     A few seconds later Sorrelstar appeared with bristling and snarling warriors.

     Rushstar grinned "I see you finally showed up Sorrelstar" he growled.

     Sorrelstar let out a screech of rage "how dare you, I will always fight alongside my warriors" she roared.

     Rushstar grinned smugly "RABBITCLAN ATTACK!" Finstar lifted his chin "FISHCLAN ATTACK" he yowled.

     The Rabbitclan and Fishclan warriors launched themselves at the Squirrelclan warriors with outstretched claws.

     I ducked as a Rabbitclan warrior came running my way. Hissing I ducked slashing my claws at his face.

     I recognized him, his name was Breezewind a senior warrior. Breezewind darted out of the way before my claws hit his face.

     I yelped with pain as his claws dug into my chest. Grinning he slammed me to the ground.

     Groaning I tried to wriggle free but it was no use I squeezed my eyes shut ready for the killing blow.

     A shriek rang out "SNAKECLAN ATTACK." I sighed with relief help was here.

     Black dots started to fill my vision just as his weight lifted. Getting to my paws I saw who my rescuer was.

     I let out a cry of shock and disbelief "Deathcry!" Deathcry was giving Breezewind hard blows to his face snarling "no one hurts Maplewhisker and gets away with it no one!"

     With a last cry of pain Breezewind fled leaving behind a trail of dark red blood.

     Darting forward I gave Deathcry gentle licks on his face whispering " go Deathcry before anyone sees you."

     He gave my ear a lick before fading away. Turning I ran over to Sorrelstar who was battling three warriors.

     From the shadows yellow eye's watched the battling cats with smugness.

     Beware of the cat who lurks in the shadows A voice whispered. I halted my eyes scanning the dark trees.

     There a black cat was lurking in the shadows by a huge Oak tree. Darkwolf!

     Why is Darkwolf lurking in the shadows not helping us fight? I wondered.

     "RABBITCLAN, FISHCLAN RETREAT" Finstar and Rushstar yowled at the same time.

     Before I could even no what hit me firey pain ripped across the back of my neck.

     As black dots filled my vision the last thing I heard was Sorrelstar yowling "Maplewhisker stay with me."

~Maplewhisker's Prophecy~Where stories live. Discover now