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  I watched from beside Whitestar as Snakeclan gathered around. Once they where all settled a voice rang out...

     "What is Maplewhisker doing here?"  Sandyscar demanded. Whitestar shot her a stern look. "I want all the cats who wish to help Squirrelclan drive out some rogues come up" Whitestar yelled.

     The first cat to step forward was a small dark ginger she cat. After her five more cats walked to stand beside her.

     I shot the six cats a grateful look. "Stripetail your in charge while we're gone" Whitestar ordered.

     Stripetail dipped his head in agreement. Turning to the cats who were coming i whispered "thank you for coming."

     The dark ginger she cat let out a soft purr "that's alright, I'm Applecloud" she meowed.

     I have her a soft smile before running after Whitestar who was impatiently twitching his tail by the camp entrance.

     After a while we reached the entrance to Squirrelclan camp. I ran down the tunnel, when I reached the opening I saw Blackpaw struggling against two large tom cats.

     Stepping aside I let the Snakeclan warriors stream into camp falling in the intruders with out stretched claws.

     Darting forward I slammed into the cat pinning my apprentice to the ground. Snarling I slashed my claws across the toms eyes. "I can't see" he wailed before fleeing out of camp.

     "Thanks Maplewhisker" Blackpaw gasped before disappearing into battle once again.

     I turned to battle another cat just as pain rippled across my stomach. I hissed with pain, than dragged myself over to Silverfeather who was tending to Adderclaws wounds.

     When I reached her she was shoeing Adderclaw away. "Silverfeather my belly hurts" I growled pain flickering across my face.

     Her eyes widened pushing me into the nursery she pushed me into a nest. "Lay down" she ordered.

     I let out an annoyed grunt before flopping onto the empty nest. "What are you doing?" A tiny voice asked.

     "Birdkit don't bug them" Sweetsong scolded pulling the tiny kit to her belly again. Birdkit huffed but snuggled closer to Sweetsong's belly.

     Silverfeather gently put her paws on my stomach, feeling around. "Mmhm I thought so" she murmured.

     "What's wrong with me?" I asked grumpily. Silverfeather smiled at me " congratulations your expecting about four kits" she purred proudly.

     My jaw dropped "kits?" I asked shocked. "Your going to have kits Maplewhisker, did you tell Elmshade yet?" Sweetsong asked excitedly.

     "No, I didn't even know I was pregnant" I mumbled rather embarrassed. Sweetsong let out a purr of laughter.

     A yowl rang out "rogues retreat" Bear howled. I sighed with relief. "Well I better go" Silverfeather murmured as she left.

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