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Opening my eyes I found myself in Starclan for the second time. The starlet bushes to my right rustled.

     Coming out was a familiar brown tabby she cat beside her was a cat I didn't recognize.

     "Greetings Maplewhisker" Leafwhisker purred as she stopped in front of me.

     "This is my mother Morningsky" she meowed nodding to the brown tabby cat next to her.

     "Hello young Maplewhisker, I have heard great things about you" Morningsky purred in a soft voice.

     I smiled "Hi Leafwhisker, Morningsky" I purred. "Why am I here" I asked.

     Morningsky leaned forward "do you remember what happened?" She asked softly.

     I frowned " I was fighting Breezewind, and then some cat saved me, Sorrelstar was fighting three cats, I saw yellow eyes in the shadows, and then someone wounded me in the back of my neck, and then I woke up here" I murmured.

     Morningsky nodded. Leafwhisker twitched her ears "do you know who wounded you?" She asked .

     I flicked my tail "I think it was Darkwolf" I told her. "Correct" Leafwhisker purred.

     My eyes widened "Why did he kill you then me?" I blurted out.
Leafwhisker sighed "your not dead Maplewhisker" she meowed .

     "I'm not?"  Morningsky shook her head " no young one, you are still alive" she meowed softly.

     "Sooo I'm just here to learn why Darkwolf killed you" I asked bewildered.

      Leafwhisker's ears flattened "yes" she murmured. I pricked my ears waiting for her to start.

     "At the time me and my brother Lightclaw, just became warriors Sorrelstar and Hawkclaw were completing to be deputy, because Eaglestar was beginning to get old.

     "Little did I know the brothers Darkwolf and Timberfoot both liked me. I thought they were both handsome but Timberfoot managed to capture my heart."

     "Darkwolf was furious when he found out I was in love with Timberfoot and not him. He got even worse when I became pregnant with Timberfoot's kits.

     "After I have birth to Elmshade and Oakleaf, Sorrelstar has just became leader and had moved into the nursery expecting a unknown toms kits."

     " I was overjoyed when you where named my apprentice. Darkwolf found out that you and I were close. He came up to me when I was hunting alone. "

     "He took me by surprise and pinned me down, I couldn't ever fight back. He bit my neck, when I was dying he told me he would kill everybody I loved starting with you."

     "And then I woke up here and you know the rest" Leafwhisker growled. My eyes where wide with shock. Leafwhisker's eyes were shimmering with tears.

     Morningsky was gently licking her daughters head in sympathy. Turning to me she meowed " we believe Darkwolf is training in the dark forest. "

     I growled flattening my ears. "Which way is towards the dark forest?" I demanded.

     "That way" Morningsky meowed nodding towards the left. "Thanks" I meowed stalking away.

     "Oh and Leafwhisker I'm going to kill Darkwolf if that's the last thing I do" I promised tossing the words over my shoulder.

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