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Elmshade's P.O.V

     I starred with disbelief at Maplewhisker's lifeless form. "No, no tell me this isn't true" I whispered tears starting to stream down my face.

     I looked at the four kits at her belly. Not one kit had my color or form. "Why don't they look like me?" I asked Sorrelstar bewildered.

     "Because, there not yours, there Deathcry's" Sorrelstar meowed her voice breaking. My mouth dropped open "who in Starclan's name is Deathcry?" I asked.

     " I have no clue, but she told me to ask Lightningsky who he is" Sorrelstar admitted. My eyes narrowed.

     "Lightningsky of Snakeclan?" I asked. She nodded " I believe so. "  "Then let's go talk to him while the others are getting Maplewhisker ready for vigil" I whispered sadly.

     Sorrelstar nodded with agreement. As we both slid out of the den Adderclaw sat there his head bowed with grief.

     "Adderclaw while we're gone I need you to take care of Squirrelclan" Sorrelstar ordered. Adderclaw dipped his head " I'll do my best " he promised.

     Sorrelstar bowed her head before she led the way to Snakeclan territory. Sorrelstar halted sitting down as we waited for a Snakeclan patrol.

     A few seconds later Applecloud appeared with Sandyscar, Swirlpaw, and her apprentice Grasspaw behind her.

     "Greetings Applecloud, we wish to speak with Whitestar and Lightningsky please" I meowed politely.

     "Of course" she purred turning to Grasspaw she meowed " go fetch Whitestar and Lightningsky, and tell them Sorrelstar wishes to speak with them" she ordered.

     Grasspaw dipped his head before darting away. After a while Grasspaw reappeared with Whitestar and Lightningsky behind him.

     "What do you want Sorrelstar?" Whitestar asked ears twitching. Stepping forward I meowed "we wish to speak with you and Lightningsky alone please."

     Whitestar turned to the others " you may go" he growled. The others nodded then left.

     Whitestar and Lightningsky turned towards us heads tipped waiting for us to begin.

     "Who is Deathcry?" I asked bluntly. Lightningsky stiffened "he's my brother" he snapped.

     Sorrelstar frowned " tell us about him" she meowed. Lightningsky sighed "Deathcry and I did not get along, my mother loved me but ignored him" he began.

     "That led Deathcry to get angry and end up killing her, that's why he went to the dark forest" Lightningsky explained.

     Sorrelstar and I exchanged shocked looks "that means Maplewhisker was in love with a dark forest warrior" Sorrelstar gasped.

     "What do you mean?" Lightningsky asked. "Maplewhisker gave birth to Deathcry's four kits last night" I mumbled.

     Lightningsky's jaw dropped. Whitestar didn't look surprised at all. "I knew she was in love with him, she told me" Whitestar admitted.

     "How did you find out?" Whitestar asked. " Sh..she told me before she died" Sorrelstar whispered tears trickling down her face.

     Whitestar and Lightningsky bowed their heads grieving for the beautiful young warrior.

     But I knew some day that we would meet again in Starclan when it was time.

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