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Purring I opened my eyes, getting up I walked out of the Warriors den to find Blackpaw my new apprentice.

     "Hey Mosslight, do you know where Blackpaw is?" I called over to the her.

     Mosslight lifted her head from where she sat underneath the Squirrelrock. "I think he's in the elders den listening to some stories" she answered.

     "Thanks Mosslight" I purred as I headed towards the Elders den. Sure enough sitting in front of the elders was Blackpaw eagerly listening to Flameclaw who was telling a story to the new kits.

     "Hi Blackpaw ready to go see Squirrelclan territory?" I asked as I reached him.

     Blackpaw sprang to his paws "absolutely" he chirped. Purring I waved my tail in farewell to the Elders and kits.

     Once we were out of Squirrelclan camp I turn to Blackpaw "where do you want to go first?" I asked.

     " Snakeclan border" he replied instantly. I grinned "alright" I meowed "let's go."

     Leading the way to Snakeclan border I pointed out some of the best places to hunt.

     I stopped, sniffing the air I knew we had reached Snakeclan border. I turned to Blackpaw "here we are" I meowed.

     I watched as he trotted forward leaning down he took a big sniff then started gaging.

     "Pew that stinks worse then foxdug" he exploded. I burst out laughing at the disgusted look on his face.

     "I agree" I purred between giggles. "Can we go somewhere else now" he asked.

     "Sure let's go to Rabbitclan border now." " Does it smell worse then Snakeclan? " he asked.

     I shook my head "no it actually smells way better" I informed him. He nodded looking relieved.

     Once we reached Rabbitclan border we bumped into Elmshade and his apprentice Creampaw.

     Elmshade turned when he heard our pawsteps. "Hi Maplewhisker" he chirped trotting over to me.

     When he reached me he gave my cheek a soggy lick. " Hello Elmshade " I muttered rubbing my cheek with a paw.

     Blackpaw and Creampaw started giggling. "What's so funny?" I snapped turning to them.

     Blackpaw giggled "nothing." I have him a suspicious look before I started sniffing the Rabbitclan border.

     I pricked my ears as I heard pawsteps coming my way.  A lot of pawsteps to be exact.

     I turned hissing quietly "Blackpaw, go back to camp and warn Sorrelstar that Rabbitclan is heading to camp with a massive patrol."

     His eyes widened. Turning he fled towards camp running as fast as he could.

     Turning I realized I was face to face with the Rabbitclan leader Rushstar.

     Arching my back I let my fur stick up hissing "What are you doing on Squirrelclan territory" I demanded.

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