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   I heard loud pawsteps coming from outside the Medicine Cat den. A few seconds later Sorrelstar burst in running over to me.

     When she reached my side she buried her face in my fur letting out a choked sob she whispered "I thought you were going to die."

     Getting up I leaned against her burying my face in her shoulder fur with a soft purr.

     "Oh mother I would never leave you" I murmured softly. She looked up her pale green eyes staring into my blue.

     "Promise?" She asked. " I promise" I meowed. She sighed with relief.

     "Am I well enough to walk around out of this den?" I called to Silverfeather who had appeared in the entrance .

     She nodded. My face lit up "great" I purred. My mother appeared at my side.

     "Here lean on me" she whispered offering her shoulder for me to rest on.

     With a grateful purr of relief I leaned against her shoulder. Gently walking forward she led me out of the den.

     As we appeared out of the den I saw Tinypaw, Oakpaw, Elmpaw, and Fernpaw sitting in a circle.

     Turning my head I whispered "can I go over there by myself mother?"

     "Of course dear." Giving Sorrelstar a farewell lick on the cheek.

      I crept slowly across the dirt walking carefully I crouched bunching my my legs I sprang landing neatly on tinypaw's shoulders, pinning him to the ground.

     Jumping off I turned around to see Tinypaw's nicely groomed white fur filled with dust turning it brown.

     Putting my tail in my mouth I tried not to laugh. It was no use. I burst out laughing. Laughter ringing out around the camp.

     "Maplepaw I just groomed my fur" Tinypaw grumbled. Snickering I said "I know that's why I did it."

      He gave me a death glare " I'm gonna.. Before he could finish his sentence Elmpaw barged past him giving me a soggy lick on the cheek.

     "Your okay" Elmpaw cried look relived. "Of course I am" I snapped.

     He blushed with embarrassment "sorry" he mumbled. I shrugged rolling my eyes.

     "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the squirrelrock for a clan meeting."

     Oakpaw glanced at me from where he sat by Fernpaw. Do you know what's happening ? He mouthed.

     I shook my head. He nodded before turning to look up at Sorrelstar.

     "Cats of Squirrelclan we are gathered here because Leafwhisker Maplepaw's mentor died five days ago leaving her without a mentor."

      I stiffened I do not want a new mentor I want leafwhisker. I thought .

     Sorrelstar met my eyes "I know you miss her Maplepaw" she meowed "but your not quite done with your training."

     With a sigh I bowed my head telling her i'd take a new mentor against my will.

     "Adderclaw, you are a fierce and loyal warrior, I hope you pass those down to Maplepaw."

     I walked stiffly up to him touching my nose to his I jerked away feeling upset and sad.

     His silver eyes narrowed "come on were going on a hunting patrol with Sweetsong and her apprentice" he meowed gruffly.

     Glaring at him I thought sarcastically yay I get to go on a patrol with Elmpaw the great.

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