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I awoke to find myself in a beautiful starlit forest. "Where am I?" I asked awestruck .

"You my dear" purred a sweet familiar voice "are in Starclan."

I turned my head slowly to see a broad shouldered brown tabby she cat with pale green eyes standing before me.

"Leafwhisker" I whispered my heart shattering into a million pieces. She sat in front of me her tail neatly wrapped around her dainty paws.

There was one thing different about her. Leafwhisker's pelt was dotted with silvery stars.

"Y..y..your dead aren't you" I choked out. Leafwhisker's eyes softened as she got to her paws "Yes my dear" she purred softly.

I let out a heart wrenching choked sob "You can't be dead" I sobbed "you just can't."

She gently licked my head " oh Maplepaw oh Maplepaw " she whispered.

We just sat there for while looking up at the sky. Finally Leafwhisker broke the silence "I need to tell you something" she murmured.

I pricked my ears waiting for her to go on. I watched as she took a deep breath "everyone believes I was killed by a Snakeclan warrior." She said quietly.

I nodded " go on" I said having a dreadful feeling about this. She sighed than blurted " a Squirrelclan warrior killed me."

I gasped horror flashing across my face "WHAT" I exploded. Tail bushing up twice it's size.

She gave me a sad smile as she started to fade the last thing I heard before everything went black was...

Beware the cat that lurks in the shadows.

Beware the cat that watches you sleep.

Beware the cat that watches your every move.

~Maplewhisker's Prophecy~Where stories live. Discover now