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   I groaned as my mother Sorrelstar gave my head another soggy lick. "Moooomm I'm clean already."

     "Your not done until I say your done" she scolded gently. "I know but you haven't done Fernkit yet" I argued.

     She purred with amusement "There you look perfect" she announced dismissing me with a flick of her tail.

     Sighing with relief I trotted over to my brother Tinykit who sat there giggling.

     Leaning over I whacked him on his head with my paw. "What was that for?" He snapped.

     "For laughing at me" I said poking him with my tail. "Stop it you two" Sorrelstar growled.

     "Yes mother" me and Tinykit said at the same time.   I slid my eyes over to his he met my gaze.

     Giving him a mischievous look I put my dust covered paw on his shoulder.

     Tucking my tail over my nose I started giggling as Fernkit sat down on Tinykit's other side.

     I knew exactly why Fernkit didn't sit next to me. She and I did not get along.

     Mother always said we were like fire and water because of how we fight.

     I watched as Sorrelstar left us, she sprang into the squirrelrock taking a deep breath she let out a familiar summoning yowl...

     "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the squirrelrock for a clan meeting."

     As the clan gathered she announced "we are gathered here today to name my three kits apprentices."

     "Fernkit, Tinykit, and Maplekit step forward." Puffing out my chest proudly  I pranced up to the Squirrelrock after my littermates.

     Smiling down at us she meowed "Fernkit, Tinykit, and Maplekit from this moment before you recive your warrior names you shall be known as Fernpaw, Tinypaw, and Maplepaw."

     "Timberfoot, you are a brave and loyal warrior, I hope you will pass those down to your new apprentice Fernpaw."

     From the crowd of warriors a huge light brown tom pushed his way through to touch noses with his new apprentice.

     "Drizzleheart, you are a smart and a excellent hunter, I hope you pass those down to your new apprentice Tinypaw."

     I watched as Tinypaw bounced excitedly over to the gray and white tom. Once they moved back after touching noses Sorrelstar turned her pale green eyes to me.

     Twitching with excitement I waited for Sorrelstar to say who my mentor was going to be.

     " And last of all, Leafwhisker, you are a kind and yet stricked warrior, I hope you pass those down to your new apprentice Maplepaw. "

     I darted over to Leafwhisker who was waiting patiently with her head leaning a little down.

     Touching my nose to hers I whispered "I'll be the best apprentice ever."

     Leafwhisker's mouth curved into a kind smile as she purred "I know you will."

~Maplewhisker's Prophecy~Where stories live. Discover now