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     When I opened my eyes pain exploded on my chest and the back of my neck.

     I let out a hiss of pain. Instantly I felt a soft toungh licking my cheek to calm me down.

     Turning my head I buried my my face in Deathcry's soft chest fur inhaling his sweet sent.

     Finally I lifted my head meeting his eyes. "Can anyone see or sense that your here?" I asked.

     He shook his head "only you can see me" he murmured nuzzling his face softly into my neck fur.I

     Giving him a mischievous look I threw back my head and let out a blood curling screech.

     Pounding of pawsteps erupted outside the medicine cats den. Sorrelstar, Silverfeather, and Elmshade burst into the den skidding to a halt beside me.

     "What's wrong? Is everything all right? Are you in pain?" The three cats spoke in a rush looking worried.

     I grinned and started laughing "you should have seen the looks on your faces" I meowed between giggles.

     The three cats exchanged bewildered looks. "Sooo your okay?" Silverfeather asked tail twitching.

     "I'm fine, my neck and chest hurts a bit but that's all" I explained. Sorrelstar looked relived.

     Elmshade darted forward and started covering my face in loving licks. Deathcry let out a loud hiss a growl rumbling in his chest.

     I turned and have him a stern look. "Shhhh" I hissed. He gave me an apologetic lick between my ears.

     Turning back to the others I asked "how's my wounds coming along?"

     "Well you were out for two moons so there almost fully healed now" Silverfeather purred.

     My mouth dropped with disbelief "I WAS OUT FOR TWO MOONS" I screeched, shocked.

     Silverfeather laid a gentle tail on my shoulder "I thought you were going to die, but Sorrelstar refused to believe it" she admitted.

     "Can I go out and get something to eat? " I asked. Silverfeather nodded "you'll need someone to help you" she warned.

     "Dea..er...I mean Elmshade can help me" I stammered. Mousedug I almost said Deathcry whoops I thought flustered.

     Silverfeather exchanged a bewildered look with Sorrelstar. Elmshade just shrugged and went to my side to help me.

     Grunting I struggled to my paws. Standing up weakly I leaned heavily against Elmshade.

     Soft fur brushed my left side. Deathcry's sweet scent swirled around me making me purr.

     Leaning on the two toms I managed to get out of that stuffy den. My stomach growled loudly at the sight of the fresh-kill pile.

     Slumping to the ground I tucked my paws underneath me in a comfortable way to eat.

     Turning to Elmshade I meowed "can you get me a plump squirrel please?" I asked politely.

     "Of course" he purred. Trotting away he grabbed a squirrel then returned to me.

     "Thanks Elmshade" I purred before biting into the squirrels belly. Warm, tasty meat filled my mouth purring I swallowed and took another bite.

     Now I had finished the whole squirrel. Deathcry started licking my back in soft smoothing strokes.

     After a while I heard a deep voice whisper "I'm done." I turned and gave him a loving lick on his cheek in thanks.

     Purring he nudged me to my paws. "Come on let's go to sleep in the Warriors den" he whispered.

     Nodding I trotted into the den. Laying down in my nest next to Elmshade I snuggled closer to Deathcry then fell into a peaceful sleep.

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