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  I woke up to a pounding headache I groaned as I opened my sharp blue eyes. Looking around I saw Silverfeather curled up in her nest sound asleep.

     "Silverfeather?" I called softly. She shifted but didn't awake.     "Silverfeather?" I called louder.

     She lifted her head looking around her gaze finally landing on me. Her eyes brightened getting to her paws she rushed over to me.

     "How are you feeling?" She asked quietly. "I'm fine all I have is a pounding headache." I meowed.

     She gave me a small nod before pushing a couple leaves my way " eat" she ordered.

     Doing as I was told I chewed the bitter leaves. "Yuck" I muttered. Silverfeather purred with amusement as she watched me eat the leaves.

     "Silverfeather?" "Yes?" " How long was I out for?" I asked. She sighed "five days" she answered.

     I gasped thinking five days I was out for five days. Silverfeather started laughing her shoulders shaking.

     I waited until she stopped "what's so funny" I hissed impatiently. She smiled muttering a "sorry" before she sat straight again.

     "Well?" Silverfeather smiled "I was just thinking when your mother was an apprentice, she hated herbs just like you!"

     I blinked at her. She flicked her tail " I was an medicine cat apprentice alongside your mother, except she was a warrior apprentice" she explained.

     "Er are you related to Sorrelstar?" I asked. Silverfeather shook her head "no, but I am Whitestar's sister which makes me your kin."

     My mouth dropped open with disbelief "You know?" I asked shocked. She laughed softly "I see the way they look at each other at gatherings also Tinypaw has his fur color and eyes and you have his shape and eyes as well."

     I nodded feeling bewildered I asked "Why did you leave Snakeclan? Did you get kicked out? How young were you when you left?"

     Silverfeather giggled " Well I left because I wanted to be a medicine cat apprentice but at the time Gingerleaf already had an apprentice."Also I didn't get kick out I left because Squirrelclan needed a Medicine cat. I was six moons when I left."
     "Do you ever miss Snakeclan?" I asked softly. "No Maplepaw I dont, not one bit" she answered.

     Leaning foreword I touched my nose to her shoulder "if you ever need someone to talk to I'm always here" I whispered.

     Her eyes brightened "that's great" she purred. I just have her a soft push to the shoulder.

     Getting to her paws she meowed "I'm going to go tell Sorrelstar your awake." Then she was gone.

      I Laid down, dropping my head on my paws as I waited for Silverfeather to return with my mother.

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