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     Adderclaw stuck his head into the nursery "Your okay" he purred covering Sweetsong's face in loving licks. He glanced at me "What are you doing in here?" He asked.

     "Expecting kits" I mumbled. His eyes brightened trotting over to me he pushed me out of the den. Cats were gathered around Silverfeather and Oakleaf to get there wounds treated.

     "Hey everyone" Adderclaw yowled " guess what? " he asked loudly. The Squirrelclan and Snakeclan warriors turned to him bewildered.

     "MAPLEWHISKER IS GOING TO HAVE KITS" He yelled loudly. I flushed with embarrassment my cheeks turning pink.

     Everyone started gathering around me "congratulations" they purred " who's the father?" Applecloud asked. "I am" Elmshade purred.

     Lightningsky stood off to one side sadness and pain flickering across his face. I looked around Deathcry was nowhere to be seen.

     A thump sounded in fount of the entrance Sandyscar was standing there in front of her was Darkwolf's lifeless form.

     Mosslight let out a screech of shock as she darted over to him and buried her face in his fur. Suddenly her head shot up turning her eyes bore into mine.

     "You killed him didn't you" Mosslight asked eyes wide. Blackpaw's eyes were wide with pain and shock.

     "Maplewhisker?" Sorrelstar asked sternly. I felt tears streaming down my face " y..yes mother I did" I stammered softly.

     "How could you?" Blackpaw asked his voice shaking. I bowed my head " because he killed Leafwhisker and he tried to kill me" I admitted.

     The cats looked shocked. "Darkwolf would never kill Leafwhisker" Mosslight meowed stubbornly.

     "Exile her"  "kill her" cats yelled. Everyone was turning towards me claws out, when they were just about to leap a clear voice rang out...

     "Enough is enough" everyone turned. Standing on the squirrelrock was Leafwhisker. "It is true Darkwolf killed me" she meowed calmly before disappearing in a puff of stars.

     Gasps rang out around camp. "Sorry for blaming you Maplewhisker" cats mumbled apologetically.

     "That's okay" I meowed "even though he killed Leafwhisker I felt horrible afterwords" I admitted.

     Cats nodded sympathetically. "EVERYONE LISTEN UP" Sorrelstar yowled from the Squirrelrock.

     The warriors turned there ears pricked. "It is time for me to name a new deputy" Sorrelstar meowed calmly.

     "I say these words before the body of Darkwolf so that his spirit may hear and approve my choice. Elmshade will be the new deputy of Squirrelclan."


     I lifted my head yowling his name alongside the others. Elmshade stepped forward his eyes wide with shock. "I'll do the best I can" he promised.

     Sorrelstar sprang down to touch noses with Elmshade. He turned and trotted over tom me.

     Gently he licked my cheek, guiding me back to the nursery. I laid down in my nest.
     Once I got settled he nuzzled my belly "I love you Maplewhisker" he purred as I drifted off into sleep.

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