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I sighed with relief as she saw her mother padding in through the camp entrance.

"You came for me" I purred happily. "Of course I did" Sorrelstar murmured.

Her mother's head shot up her eyes narrowing as I followed her gaze I saw a muscular white tom appear.

"Sorrelstar" he meowed curly his gaze looking her mother up and down "why are you here."

Sorrelstar let out a hiss " I am here to bring my daughter home" she hissed flicking her tail at me.

I shifted uncomfortably as his blue eyes landed on me "she doesn't look much like you" he muttered.

"I do too" I exploded. "I have her tortoiseshell fur."

Whitestar have me a annoyed look. " You may have her fur color but you do not look that much like her."

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously than glance down at my fur than at Sorrelstar's. He's right mother is more of a lean and skinnier cat and I'm more of a big and muscular cat I wonder why?

"Mother?" I looked at my mother questionably. "Am I really your daughter?" I asked.

Sorrelstar sighed then nodded " yes Maplepaw you are my daughter. "

"How about we discuss this in my den" Whitestar purred silky.

Sorrelstar and I both nodded following Whitestar to his den.

As me and Sorrelstar headed to Whitestar's den I could feel a set of eyes burning into my back.

I looked back and my gaze met the piercing blue eyes of the Snakeclan deputy.

I tore my eyes away from his as Sorrelstar yowled "come on Maplepaw we don't have all day."

"Coming mother" I yelled back.

As I reached the entrance to Whitestar's den I saw my mother's head rested against his.

Shock filled my gaze and my heart at what I saw. "Mother" I choked out "what is the meaning of this."

Sorrelstar and Whitestar's heads shot up. My mother rushed forward and gently laid her tail on my shoulder.

"I'll explain" Sorrelstar said softly. My eyes narrowed as I looked at my mother.

Sorrelstar took a deep breath than said "Maplepaw I want you to know I love you a lot."

I tipped my head frowning as I twitched my tail impatiently.

"Can you guess who your father is?" She asked softly.
I tipped my chin "Whitestar" I said bluntly.

Sorrelstar sighed "yes Maplepaw you are right as always." She murmured quietly.

" How did you fall in love with him" I asked with a soft hiss in my voice.

"She's got your personality" Whitestar purred with amusement.

Sorrelstar gave him a hard glare "She's got your shape and eyes" she shot back.

Whitestar snickered "you still like arguing" he purred.

"And you still like being a mousebrain" she growled.

~Maplewhisker's Prophecy~Where stories live. Discover now