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Not knowing where I ended up at I stopped, laying down I curled myself into a ball.

That miserable night, I cried myself to sleep.

Opening my eyes I found myself in a creepy dark murky forest. Where am I I thought nervously.

"Hello Maplepaw" came a soft hiss behind me. Shivering I turned slowly around.

In front of me was a large muscular dark blue tom. "W...who are you?" I asked trembling.

He grinned showing sharp white teeth. "My name is Deathcry."

I gasped "Deathcry? What kind of name is that?" He sighed "my mother named me."

" Your mother?" His eyes glittered with sadness "Yes she didn't like me very much."

I leaned forward In till my nose almost touched his. " Where am I " I asked.

He blinked slowly "Your in the dark forest" he answered. My eyes widened. Before I could flee he leapt in front of me. I

"Wait" he cried. I slammed into him we both tumbled down the hill rolling to stop.

I blinked realizing he was in top of me his muzzle pressed against mine.

He didn't move his dark green eyes starring into mine. I looked at him wide eyed.

He grinned.

Gently placing my paws on his chest I gave him a soft push. He grunted with embarrassment as he landed on his rump.

I giggled. He narrowed his eyes playfully. I scrambled to my paws as he crouched.

With a playful purr he lunged his paws out stretched. Giggling I fled he was always about a pawstep behind me.

After a while a play fighting we both lay there on the ground, looking up at the starless sky.

"How did you die Deathcry?" I asked softly. He sighed " I'll tell you another night" he whispered as he started to fade.

"Ok" I whispered back before I felt a paw giving me a gentle push in the side.

Opening my eyes I starred into the Snakeclan deputy's blue eyes. I blinked noticing he looked an awful lot like Deathcry.

Without thinking I blurted "do you know who Deathcry is?"
His eyes widened with horror.

"How do you know my brothers name?" He hissed quietly. I frowned " Deathcry is your brother?"

"Yes but never ever say that horrible name again" he growled. " Why" I asked "what did he do?"

Lightningsky let out a sigh "Because he killed my mother in cold blood." He murmured sadly.

I gasped softly " did he tell you why? " I asked. He blinked "no."

" Will you tell me who killed him?" I mumbled. "I did" he said bluntly.

My blue eyes went round with horror. He just looked at his paws.

Then he gasped his ears picking up. Turning to me slowly he asked looking bewildered "How do you know his name? not even half of Snakeclan knows who he is"

Feeling nervous I bolted back towards Squirrelclan border, yelling over my shoulder "another time."

With a sigh of relief I crossed back into my territory.

~Maplewhisker's Prophecy~Where stories live. Discover now