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"Maplewhisker is the best mentor any cat could ever wish for" Blackpaw yelled.

     "Well my mentor said she's a brutal murder, everyone knows she killed her own mentor Leafwhisker" the silver tabby shot back.

     "That's a bunch of Fox-Dung, I know for a fact Maplewhisker would never hurt her, let alone kill her" Blackpaw spat.

     "You should see the scars your mentor gave Sandyscar" she yelled. "Sandyscar deserved it" Blackpaw sneered.

     "Well I think Maplewhisker deserves to rot in the dark forest" she roared " also I bet Maplewhisker pretended to like Leafwhisker. "

     Growling I stalked over to the Snakeclan apprentice looming over her I hissed dangerously soft...

     "What. Did. You. Just. Say" I demanded my eyes boring into her green. "I..i..i.." She stammered.

     "Let me tell you something apprentice, Leafwhisker was like a second mother to me, also you better not say something like that about my old mentor again or you'll end up with two blind eyes" I spat.

     The young apprentice have me a shaky nod before bolting over to Sandyscar who was watching wide eyed from beside Fernshine.

     Fernshine's eyes were wide with shock as she realized how close me and Leafwhisker truly were.

     Turning to Blackpaw I touched my nose to his forehead "thank you for standing up for me" I whispered. He smiled at me "anytime" he whispered back.

     "Let the gathering begin" Sorrelstar yelled from Squirrelclan's tree. I pricked my ears intently listening.

     Leaning down I whispered "that's Finstar of Fishclan, Rushstar of Rabbitclan, Hawkstar of Birdclan, and Whitestar of Snakeclan" I murmured to Blackpaw pointing to each of the leaders.

     He nodded "who are the deputies?" he asked. " Lightningsky of Snakeclan, Cindercloud of Rabbitclan, Dawncloud of Birdclan, and Minnowclaw of Fishclan" I answered.

     "I'll go first" Rushstar growled. The other leaders nodded. "Everything is well in Rabbitclan" he began "Heatherstorm gave birth to my three kits Windkit, Tinykit, and Smallkit" he meowed rather proudly.


     When the cheering died down Rushstar stepped back nodding to Hawkstar.

     "Birdclan has two new apprentices Applepaw and Amberpaw, also Hopefeather gave birth to two kits Finkit and Rainkit, that is all." Hawkstar meowed.


     Finstar stalked along his tree "Splashcloud gave birth to Froghearts two kits yesterday night, Bouncekit and Shykit" he meowed looking board.


     Whitestar glanced at Sorrelstar, she gave him a nod telling him to go before her.

     "Snakeclan has three new apprentices Grasspaw, Kinkpaw, and Swirlpaw, the dawn patrol scented a badger near Squirrelclan boarder just warning you" Whitestar purred.


     Sorrelstar stepped up "thank you for the warning Whitestar my warriors will deal with it" Sorrelstar meowed.

     "Squirrelclan is doing well, Maplewhisker woke up after two long moons of being unconscious."

     I scowled at anyone who have me a sympathetic looks. "Anyways Sweetsong gave birth to Adderclaws three kits Birdkit, Pinekit, and Heatherkit" Sorrelstar finished.


     "The gathering is over" Whitestar yowled. I got to my paws streching. "Squirrelclan let's go" Sorrelstar yowled.

     Yawning Deathcry, Blackpaw, and I followed the Squirrelclan warriors home.

     When I got to my nest Elmshade was fast asleep. Curling up I whispered "goodnight my love."

     Deathcry's nose touched mine " 'night my love" he whispered back. With a soft sigh I drifted off into sleep.

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