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It never came, Snakeheart's weight was suddenly lifted. I swiftly got to my paws, rolling around in the ground was Deathcry locked in a battle with Snakeheart.

I purred with relief. That didn't last long, claws gripped my shoulders then slammed me to the ground.

Snarling I glared up into Darkwolf's face. Hissing I twisted my head and sunk my teeth into his paw biting down hard I heard a satisfying snap of a bone.

He let out a roar of pain. Instantly I was on my paws. Growling he lunged for me, I ducked slashing my claws across his stomach as he flew past.

He collapsed to the ground blood pouring out of his belly. He tried to get to his paws but he was losing to much blood.

He slumped to the ground growling he heaved for air. My eyes were wide with shock as he took one last gulp of air before he jerked once then lay still.

I started trembling my paws shook until I collapsed to the ground. Burying my face in my paws I started sobbing realizing I had just killed Blackpaw's beloved father.

I just laid there. A soft toung started licking my head. I lifted my head and buried my face in Deathcry's fur I sobbed "I killed him Deathcry, I killed him."

"I know, it's gonna be okay" he whispered gently stroking his tail along my spine sympathetically.

"We have to go help Squirrelclan" I whispered getting to my paws. He shook his head " go ask Snakeclan for help, I'll help Squirrelclan while your gone" he murmured nudging my cheek with his nose.

I met his eyes "Okay" I mumbled before running swiftly towards Snakeclan camp.

I swiftly passed into Snakeclan territory, and headed towards where there camp lay.

There darting forward I burst into Snakeclan camp and slammed into a cat.

We both tumbled to a halt. Paws pinned me to the ground. Lightningsky's blue eyes were wide as he starred at me.

"Maplewhisker? What are you doing here?" He demanded his eyes narrowed.

"Squirrelclan needs your help, rogues are attacking us and were outnumbered" I blurted out.

His eyes narrowed with suspicion. " I don't think so " he hissed. With a growl I threw him off and stalked over to Whitestar's den.

"Hey, you can't go in there" Lightningsky snapped. I glared at him "watch me" I hissed before ducking into Whitestar's den.

Whitestar's white form was curled in a nest sound asleep. I stalked over to him and jabbed my paw into his side harshly.

He woke up with a grunt. His eyes landed on me "What are you doing here?" He asked bewildered .

With a sob I darted over to him and buried my face in his fur "oh father Squirrelclan needs your help" I mumbled threw his fur.

He gently started to lick my head "tell me everything" he murmured. So I did from when Leafwhisker died to when I killed Darkwolf.

"You went through all that alongside a cat we thought was a killer" he whispered shocked. "I love Deathcry I really do" I admitted.

His blue eyes sparkled "I know you do" he purred. "So you'll help us?" I asked.

He nodded " follow me" he murmured. I followed him to a large stump. Tilting back his head he let out a loud yowl

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Snakestump for a clan meeting."

~Maplewhisker's Prophecy~Where stories live. Discover now