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After we walked for a while we came to a halt in front of us was the familiar five huge trees.

     We're at five trees I thought excitedly. This would be my third gathering.

     I hope Sandypaw isn't there. Sandypaw was a obnoxiously annoying Snakeclan apprentice I met on my second gathering.

     The moment I met her I hated her, a lot, but Fernpaw on the other paw, got along well with her.

     A paw poked me disturbing my thoughts. "Come on Maplepaw before you get left behind" Elmpaw snapped.

     Whipping my head around I gave Elmpaw a glare before darting down the slope after the others.

     I skidded to a halt before I bashed into Fernpaw who had stopped to wait for Elmpaw.

     "Watch it" she snapped. "I didn't even touch you" I snapped back.

     "You got dirt all over my fur" she growled. "Oooh did I get her majesty fur all dirty" I sneered back.

     As she opened her mouth to argue Silverfeather appeared "enough you two" she scolded, giving both of us a stern look.

     With a annoyed huff I stalked away through the crowed. Glancing around I looked for a familiar pale brown pelt.

     "Looking for someone?" A voice sneered behind me. Oh great just the cat I needed to see I thought sarcastically .

     "Hello Sandypaw" I growled. She smirked "Maplepaw" she growled back.

     "Where's your pretty mentor Leafwhisker?" She asked with a sneer on her pretty face.

     "Oh right she's not here she's dead" she said smugly. "How do you know that?" I hissed my voice dangerously soft.

     A smile curved across her face " so it's true the great Leafwhisker is dead that's good" she giggled.

     That. Was. It. With a roar of fury and pain I slammed into her slashing my claws across her face.

     She let out a screech as I dug my claws in deeper. With a hiss she tried to throw me off.

     With my anger controlling me I started scratching and biting. She let out a whimper of shock and pain.

     Ignoring her I raised my paw swiping it across her chest before teeth grabbed my scruff hauling me away from the wounded apprentice.

     With a hiss I pulled away looking behind me I saw angry blue eyes staring into mine.

     Whitestar. "What do you think your doing?" He snarled his eyes wide with shock.

     " Maplepaw what did you do?" A stern Sorrelstar asked. Glancing around I saw that every cat was starring at us.

     "She attacked me for no reason" Sandypaw whimpered. " NO REASON" I roared  NO REASON YOU SAID YOU WERE GLAD LEAFWHISKER IS DEAD"

     With a sob I turned running up the hill I left the shocked cats behind.

     "Maplepaw come back" Sorrelstar cried after me. Ignoring her I kept running refusing to look back.

~Maplewhisker's Prophecy~Where stories live. Discover now