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Three moons later...

"Hey Maplepaw" came a sing song voice behind me.

I groaned inwardly "hi Elmpaw" I said trying my hardest not to growl. Because if I did I would never here the end of it.

Especially from all the young she warriors and apprentices who all have a majorly HUGE crush on him. I don't know why.

Your coming on a hunting patrol with me and my mentor" he purred.

"Why isn't Leafwhisker coming" I asked. "I don't know" Elmpaw growled.

"Well I'm not going to come in till you tell me the truth" I meowed stubbornly.

"She's not feeling well" Elmpaw snapped looking annoyed.

"Eeeelmpaaaaw" his mentor Sweetsong howled "come on before Graydart leaves without us you too Maplepaw." Fine" I hissed.

I sighed as I followed the three cats into the forest. "Elmpaw will come with me" Sweetsong purred.

At least I don't have to go with Elmpaw I thought relieved. Graydart shook his head " I think Elmpaw and Maplepaw should hunt together" he argued.

Please say no please say no I thought. "Fine" Sweetsong growled. Elmpaw grinned at me and I gave him glare

     I opened  my mouth to taste the air but all I  smelled was overpowering Snakeclan sent.

     I glanced back at Elmpaw meeting his gaze "do you smell that?" I asked. He nodded.

     Suddenly the bushes rustled my  head shot up but it was too late.

     Claws yanked me across the border "go Elmpaw warn Sorrelstar" I yelled. He nodded darting away.

I yelped as the cat through me into Snakeclan camp. "Hey why am I here" I demanded.

A lean muscular blue gray tom slid in front of me. "You are her because we need more warriors" he said blue eyes narrowed.

I glared at him "Well I am a Squirrelclan warrior apprentice" I snapped.

He glared at me "I don't care if your a Squirrelclan warrior apprentice or not" he snapped back.

I just scowled and laid down muttering "mother will rescue me she will so watch out Snakeclan."


Elmpaw's P.O.V

Elmpaw ran through the forest as fast as he could once he reached camp he yowled "help somebody help Maplepaw's been taken."

A tortoiseshell she cat through herself out of a den skidding to a halt in front of him. "Who dares to take my daughter" she roared.

Elmpaw flattened his ears "s s Snakeclan" he stammered. Sorrelstar gasped "Snakeclan" she whispered.

"Yes." Elmpaw answered. Sorrelstar sighed then lept into the highrock and let out a loud yowl summoning the Squirrelclan warriors.

As they gathered Sorrelstar said "I want Graydart, Sweetsong, Leafsong, Tinypaw, Fernpaw, and Elmpaw to come to Snakeclan with me."

Elmpaw sighed but followed the patrol anyways.

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