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Two moons later

     "MAPLEPAW! FERNPAW!" Tinypaw yelled bounding over to us.

     "What" Fernpaw and I snapped. Tinypaw rolled his eyes "We're getting our warrior assignments today!" he chirped.

     Fernpaw and I exchanged excited looks forgetting about our argument we had just had.

     "Come on let's go fine our mentors" I purred. Fernpaw nodded with agreement.

     Trotting away from each other we both went to look for our mentors.

     Looking around I finally found my mentor sharing thoungs with Sweetsong in front of the Warriors den.

     I rolled my eyes of course Adderclaw would be with Sweetsong, he's always with her. Plus Sweetsong's belly looks huge she's probably moving to the nursery soon I thought.

     Walking over to them I have Adderclaw a sharp poke "Come on Adderclaw, Tinypaw said were getting our warrior assignments today" I purred.

     He looked up "sorry Sweetsong was just telling me something" he mumbled.

     "That she's expecting kits? A blind bat could see that" I blurted boldly.

     His eyes widened "how did you know that?" he demanded. Sweetsong and I exchanged a look "toms" we purred.

     He scowled at the two of us. "Lets get your assignment done and over with" he muttered.

     Bouncing with excitement I ran after him into the woods. When he finally stopped he turned to me meowing..

     "For your hunting assignment you have to catch two squirrels, one mouse, one rabbit if you see one , and two birds."

     I nodded and set off. Putting my nose in the air I took a big sniff.

     Hmm I sent squirrel and crow I thought purring to myself as I followed my preys sent.

     After a while of hunting I had managed to catch everything including the rabbit.

     Trotting over to Adderclaw I dropped the prey at his paws. "Did I pass?" I meowed. "Yes!" he purred.

     I let out a sigh of relief. "What next?" I asked. "Next is to test your battle skills." I nodded. "Who am I fighting against?"

     He glanced over his shoulder at me " Elmshade." Why is everyone trying to pare me up with Elmshade  I grumbled to myself.

     When we reached the Sandy hollow Elmshade was sitting next to Fernpaw waiting for me.

     "Were here" I announced loudly crouching in front of Elmshade. He grinned as he dropped into a battle crouch as well.

     "Begin" Adderclaw ordered. With a battle cry Elmshade launch himself at me his paw flashing out towards my chest.

     Instantly I ducked, slamming my paw against his face. He helped with shock as I grabbed his tail.

     Finally I had him pinned firmly to the ground. "Give up?" I hissed. He growled at me then gave a annoyed nod.

     " Maplepaw wins " Adderclaw cheered. "Did I pass all my assignments?" I asked eagerly. "Of course you did" he purred.

     "Lets get back to camp" Adderclaw ordered. Grinning with happiness I followed him back to Squirrelclan camp.

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