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When the sun was fully shining through the trees Darkwolf appeared out of the Warriors den.

     Walking towards us he meowed gruffly "your vigil is over you can pick a nest in the Warriors den."

     Yawning I got to my paws and headed to the warriors den. Poking in my head I looked for a empty nest.

     "Pssst Maplewhisker over here" Elmshade whispered. I twitched my ears as I headed towards the back of the den where Elmshade was laying.

     Giving him a grateful purr I curled up in the best next to his. Before I fell asleep I felt his tail wrap protectively around me.

     When I fell asleep I woke up to find Deathcry's dark green eyes starring into mine.

     I shrieked jumping into the air yowling "Deathcry you scared the living daylights out of me!"

     He fell on the ground howling with laughter. Growling I have him a cuff around the ear with my paw.

     He sat up still snickering. I have him a death glare. "Sorry Maplepaw" he purred.

     "Actually it's Maplewhisker now" I told him proudly. His eyes brightened getting up he covered my face in loving licks.

     Purring I rubbed my cheek against his. He let out a soft purr of happiness. "Maplewhisker?" "Yes Deathcry?"

     "Are you close to any toms in your clan?" I shifted my paws looking embarrassed "not really" I mumbled.

     His eyes narrowed "What do you mean not really" he asked suspiciously.

     "Well there's Elmshade, I think he likes me" I muttered. He let out a growl "do you like him?" He hissed.

     I blinked "no I don't Deathcry there is only one tom cat I love" I murmured softly.

     "Who?" He asked his eyes narrowed. I sighed "tell me who you love first and then I'll tell you" I told him grinning.

     He scowled "fine" he grumbled. I leaned forward eagerly. He took a deep breath "the cat I love is...

     "You" he mumbled looking embarrassed. My pretty blue eyes widened "you love me" I whispered shocked.

     He shifted his paws his cheeks pink "Yes your the only she cat I'll ever love."

     With a happy purr I leaned forward and buried my face in his chest fur purring "I love you too!"

     He started purring covering me in loving licks. "I love you so much Maplewhisker."

     I gazed into his handsome face his dark green eyes were filled with so much love for me.

     "I love you so much too deathcry" I murmured resting my head on his shoulder.

     He let out a sigh "your fading" he meowed. I nodded smiling. "I'll see you again soon my love" he purred.

     "Until next time, my love" I purred back before the Dark Forest faded away.

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