Snakeclan, Birdclan, Rabbitclan, and Fishclan(2)

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LEADER:   WHITESTAR- Big muscular white tom with blue eyes.

MEDICINE CAT:   BERRYFERN- Small cream tom with blue eyes.
Apprentice- Barkfern- Dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes.

DEPUTY:   LIGHTNINGSKY- Handsome blue gray tom with blue eyes.


MOUSETAIL-  Skinny gray tom with white paws and yellow eyes.

SANDYSCAR-  Muscular pale ginger she cat with long scars across her shoulders and green eyes.I
Apprentice - Swirlpaw

SNAKEFANG-  Brown tabby tom with sharp white fangs and amber eyes.
Apprentice - Kinkpaw

APPLECLOUD-  Small dark ginger tabby she cat with sparkling green eyes.
Apprentice - Grasspaw

MUDSPLASH-  White tom with brown spots and blue eyes.

STRIPETAIL-  Long haired white tom with a black striped tail and amber eyes.


GRASSPAW-  Yellow tabby tom with bright green eyes.

KINKPAW-  Big black tom with a kinked tail and amber eyes.

SWIRLPAW-  Pretty silver tabby she cat with green eyes.


PETALFALL-  Cream tabby she cat with big blue eyes. Mother to Snakefang's kits Timberkit- Large pale brown tabby tom with blue eyes, and Rosekit- Small dark cream tabby she cat with amber eyes.

MOTHFEATHER-  Fluffy white she cat with light green eyes. Mother to Mousetail's kits Mistkit- Pale gray she cat with blue eyes. Cloudkit - Long haired white tom with yellow eyes. And Hazelkit- Small gray and white she cat with green eyes.


GRAYTAIL-  Gray tom with a even darker long gray tail and golden yellow eyes.

ELKFOOT-  Light brown tom with big paws and blue eyes.


LEADER:   FINSTAR- Sleek pale gray tom with darker gray stripes and dark blue eyes.

MEDICINE CAT:   MINTYLEAF- Pretty white she cat with bright green eyes.
Apprentice- Lilyfern- Gray and white tabby she cat with blue eyes.

DEPUTY:   MINNOWCLAW- Black and silver tabby tom with pale green eyes.
Apprentice - Yarrowpaw


FISHTAIL-  Large sleek silver tabby tom with green eyes.

REEDCLAW-  Pale brown tabby tom with blue eyes.
Apprentice - Waterpaw

GRASSFEATHER- Small broad shouldered really pale brown she cat with dark green eyes.
Apprentice - Hawkpaw

FROGHEART- Big dark brown tabby tom with big paws and amber eyes.

MISTYSKY- Pretty sleek gray she cat with bright blue eyes.

TROUTLEAP-  Broad shouldered golden brown tom with amber eyes.

MINTFERN- Gray tabby she cat with a white paws and chest and green eyes.
Apprentice - Beetlepaw


WATERPAW-  Pretty gray she cat with bright blue eyes.

YARROWPAW-  Large golden brown tom with green eyes.

BEETLEPAW-  Sleek black tabby tom amber eyes.

HAWKPAW-  Brown and black tabby tom with amber eyes.

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