Chapter 1:

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My brother Namjoon is the toughest man in whole South korea. You don't want to mess with him. He has cliques everywhere you turn. It sucks for me because I'm watched like a damn bird. Its so embarrassing sometimes. I can't even step out of my house without them behind me. Its really annoying! It was another dreadful day.. bored in my damn house. I hear voices coming down from the hallway. Yup! That sounds like my brother's men. I tip-toed to see each and everyone of them. I hid behind the big statue that we have right in the foyer. Damn! They look so sexy!!! Shit! There was Jimin, jin, J-hope, Yoongi,Taehyung and lastly, the most sexest out of all of them.. Jungkook. Geez! Why does he have to be so fucking sexy? Ugh! The things I'd do to this man. I started talking to myself and I noticed they all turned around. Shit! They might have heard me. I couldn't move fast enough. I finally got to the pantry to hide. I think I'm safe. I hope. I sat in the beetle position my head ducked down. My arms over my head. I hope namjoon doesn't find me. I'm shaking all over. My brother is the only person I'm terrified of. The things I have seen him do to people with his men's help. And especially what he did to my ex boyfriend. My ex's body was blown up into pieces. Well that's what he gets when you cheat on somone who is in the mafia.The doors to the pantry started opening up. Fuck fuck fuck! He found me. He's going to yank me by my hair and drag me to my room again for spying. Fuck! I started hyperventilating. I was waiting for it. I felt a grip on my wrist. I was too scared to look up and jumped
"Hey Y/N, it's me." Was that jungkook?
It must be a prank.. "Y/N, come on I'll take you back to your room". I had to look up as much as I didnt want too. I looked up and it was Jungkook. Why is he helping me? He should be with my brother right now. "Jungkook what are you doing? How did you know I was in there"? Jungkook looked at me with his perfect smile. "Y/N that was always your favorite place to hide when we used to play hide and seek together and plus your brother told me to go check where the noise was coming from." Yikes.. was I that loud?
"Y/N you know what namjoon will do to you. Please I don't like what he does to you in general and especially when he's mad at you. You can't be roaming around like this" . I just put my head back in my knees and started to cry. Why did my brother have to be this way? "Y/N let me bring you back to your room.. come on". I picked myself off the floor of the pantry and Jungkook walked me back to my room. We got to my bedroom door. His phone started ringing. He picked up his phone "Yeah boss I'll be right there " and hung up the phone. " Alright Y/N I got to go". "Thank you for taking me up to my room " I said. "No problem Y/N " He came closer to me to kiss my cheek. I pulled him close and we kissed on the lips. I didn't want to stop kissing him. But I knew he had to go. I could tell he didn't want to stop either. He was groping me everywhere. From my back all the way to my inner thighs. I opened my door and I started taking his jacket off and umbuttoning his shirt. I felt his chiseled chest all on my hands. "Y/N stop I can't" I didn't want to hear that. I started taking off his belt and unbuttoned his pants and put my hand in his boxers. "Y/N" moaning. "Y/N stop " The more he kept saying stop I went faster. " You like that daddy kookie ?" You want me don't you?" "Mhmm Y/N " jungkook said moaning under his breath. His phone started ringing. We had to stop. He pulled his pants back up "Hello, sorry boss I'll be right there. I heard a noise outside and I wanted to make sure the coast was clear ". While he was on the phone with my brother. I decided to make him shiver. I Sat on the floor and I pulled down his pants and boxers and made him want more. "Mhmm fuck....boss I'll be right there " and hung up the phone. He was pushing my head down. He loved this so much. But I knew he really had to go. I Didn't want my brother mad. So, I got up and let him get ready. "You know Y/N, your a naughty girl. This ain't over. You have to finish ". Jungkook said with his sexy smile. " Tell me when and where and I'll be there waiting ". He got dressed and looked back at me winked and left. I was so close to having sex with jungkook. Hours passed It was 11:30pm and I hear the laughing and talking and glasses clinking. My phone started vibrating. I looked at my phone and it was Jungkook.

Ugh! What this man does to me!! Why does he have to be working with my brother? I just wanted him all to myself

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Ugh! What this man does to me!! Why does he have to be working with my brother? I just wanted him all to myself. I dozed off and my phone started vibrating again. I looked at the time and it was 2:30am. I looked at my screen to see who it was.. and it was Jungkook again!

 and it was Jungkook again!

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I was so ready.. Ever since this afternoon that's all I wanted. I walked to my window my hearts beating so fast. Was I ready to open my window and face this sexy man? I opened my window and there he was jumping inside my room. Damn..what the fuck! Is this really happening? Is he really here? He closed the window behind him. Grabbed my waist. Pulled me closer and kissed me like there was no tomorrow. Groped me how he did this afternoon. But this time his fingers traveled up more to where he was rubbing me through my thongs. He can sense me squirming. He smiled under his breath. " You like that don't you my princess? " I couldn't say anything at this moment. He laid me on my bed, he started undressing himself. His chiseled chest all out. He ripped off my night gown and my bra. Kissed me from head to my waist. My thong was blocking him from going any deeper. But that didn't stop him. Pulled it off with his teeth and threw it on the floor. I was bare naked on my bed in front of my brother's right hand man. He got up and looked over my body bitting his lower lip. Started slowly taking off his pants and then his boxers. " You ready my princess? " I was speechless just by looking up and down at his body. " I'm going to make you scream and make you want more " he said. I was ready to give you my all Jeon Jungkook.

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