Chapter 2:

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It was morning, the sun was shining through my window. It was so bright that I covered my eyes with my hands. I looked to my left and there was Jungkook sleeping. I looked at his back and there were all scratch marks all over it. Oops!. I looked around my room and it was a total mess. What the fuck did we do ? It looked like a scene from a movie. I sat on my bed and I just looked around. I was still naked. I felt the bed move behind me. Jungkook came up behind me grabbed me close and started kissing my neck and back. " Good morning my princess " he said with that sexy smile. Ugh! My insides were shaking. He pulled me to him and kissed me and put me on top of him. We are still butt ass naked. Rubbing all over my body. Kissing and biting my neck. Damn! Was this going to be a round two? He was groping and rubbing me all over that my heart started beating faster. I wanna know how many damn hickeys I have on my neck. I can feel him going up. He knew he wanted it. He turned me over and I was on my back. Started kissing me even harder and biting my lower lip... rubbing me everywhere on my body. And here comes round two. I had a gut feeling I'm going to need a new bed after all this. Having sex with jungkook was out of this world. He knows what exactly what he's doing. While we are having sex his phone starts ringing. We both looked towards it. He grabs it and answers it. " Hello, oh hey Jimin..oh that's our assignment ? Okay I'll be there. Where do you want me to meet you at ? Okay the café. See you soon ". As he hunged up the phone he stared at me. " This isn't over Y/N your mine no one elses " he said with that smile. " Oh really? I'm yours now " I said. He just laughed and kissed me. Picked up all his stuff and left. I had to get in the shower. I felt so sticky and sweaty. I got off my bed and It started hurting every time I walked. He wasn't lying! He did say he was going to make me hurt to where I won't be able to walk. I got to my bathroom mirror and I looked in it and gasped. There was so many hickey's! Went from my neck to my chest. Is this his way saying I'm his territory? Or is this is how he is when he has sex ? But I have never had this much! I jumped in my shower and all I can think about is Jungkook. What that man did to me! Ugh I wanted more of him. I was just getting out of the bathroom. Someone was at my door. I quickly got my robe and threw it on and opened my door. It was my brother.
" Y/N " he said sly. I saw him glance at my room and he looked back at me confused. " What do you need?" I said curiously " There will be dinner tonight and I want you to attend. Look your best and be on your best behavior got it ?" He stared at me cold.
" Yes" I said and stared at him coldly. He walked away. I closed the door and laid my back against it and was biting my lip. That means I'll be with all of the guys? Shit! I have to look my best now. Damn it Jungkook! What am I going to do with all these hickey's??? I threw on some clothes for now. I wasn't sure what I was going to wear tonight Especially, since I'll be in front of my brother's men. The only person I want to really impress will be Jungkook. Just to tease him and get him turned on. I walked out of my bedroom into the foyer to head to the kitchen and there goes my brother with Taehyung and Jhope talking in the hallway. "Y/N come say hi " my brother said. I walked over looked at Taehyung and Jhope. "Hello, I'm Y/N" my voice was shaking. Taehyung's pierced eyes went through me. Looked me up and down and was biting his lower lip.
"Hey Y/N I'm Jhope. So nice to meet you. Will you be joining us for dinner tonight?"
He said with a smile. " Yeah I'll be there " I said smiling. I can feel Taehyung staring at me still. Jhope looked at Taehyung and nudged him. " Hello Y/N I'm Taehyung looking forward for dinner tonight" he said with a smile that was deadly. While I just stood there talking to Jhope and my brother Taehyung just kept staring at me the whole time looking me up and down and biting his lip. What's his problem?
"Y/N we will see you later" my brother said walking away with Taehyung and Jhope.
I turned to walk to the kitchen. Still thinking about Taehyung and what his deal was. I didn't know what I wanted to eat. I was to deep in my thoughts when someone came behind me and was kissing and biting my neck. Was this Jungkook? I closed my eyes cause it felt so good.
" You like that don't you" the person said. "Mhmm" I said back. He turned me around started kissing me and picked me up and put me on the kitchen counter. I knew it was Jungkook. I opened my eyes and it wasn't! It was Taehyung! I pushed him away.
" No No No get off me" I said angry. He laughed and said " You were enjoying it why should we stop". He said as he went in to kiss me again.I slapped him in the face. He grabbed my wrist tight and His eyes pierced through me like daggers
" If you say anything about this I'll make your life a living hell". He said angrily. I looked at him disgusted. "Haha your funny Taehyung, Do you remember who your boss is? It's my brother so you should be the one that needs to be careful". I said angry. He smiled devilishly. He tried kissing me but I pushed him away. I Didn't want him at all. He put his hand over my mouth. I bit it so hard that he jolted in pain. I got off the counter and started to run for it. He grabbed me from behind.
" You think your fast Y/N not at all princess. Your going to give me what I want " he said smiling devilishly. "Over my dead body" I said. He laughed. He held me tight so I couldn't escape. The look Taehyung gave me I was scared for my life. Other than my brother that I'm petrified of. Taehyung and Yoongi scare the living shit out of me. Tears started welling up in my eyes. His stare pierced through me harder than before but with so much rage. Was he going to kill me? Taehyung smiled devilishly and said
" like I said your giving me what I want. Do you understand?". I could almost feel my tears running down my cheeks. Taehyung started undressing himself in front of me. I kicked him in the groin and ran as fast as I can. I had to find a place to hide. Finally, I found a place and I sat down crying. I heard footsteps slowly approaching. I covered my mouth with my hands. The footsteps were coming closer. I heard his voice " Y/N where are you? ". I started hyperventilating again. Then I heard nothing. Was he gone? Could I get up and leave now? I told myself to wait 10mins before I got up. I slowly picked myself off the floor. Walked quietly into the hallway going to my room. Until someone came up behind me and grabbed me. "I love playing hide and seek kitten " He said in my ear and laughed. I started tearing up again. He yanked me into the guest bedroom that was close to us and slammed the door. I was done for... Jungkook help me!

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