Chapter 13:

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Jungkook and Taehyung were driving back. Both quiet on the way home. Taehyung stared out the window and Jungkook gripping the steering wheel tight. Taehyung did his little laugh again and shook his head. Jungkook just looked at him.
"Your starting to really fucking piss me off " he said irritated. Taehyung just looked at him and smirked. "I really get under your skin don't I?" Taehyung asked.
"I have a question..."
Jungkook wasn't ready for this, he started biting his tongue and clenching his jaw.
"How good do you make Y/N feel when you fuck her?" Taehyung asked curious. "It doesn't fucking matter" Jungkook said pissed.
"Oh it does.. believe me" Taehyung said.
Jungkook ignored him.
"How do you know if she loves it?" He asked. Jungkook kept ignoring him.
"I made her pussy so wet and she came every where. Do you make her do that?" Taehyung asked seductive.
"Taehyung, will you shut the fuck up I'm not answering your questions" Jungkook said irritated. Taehyung smirked
" I'll just find a way to do her again ". He whispered to himself.
"What the fuck did you just say?" Jungkook said angry. Taehyung looked at him and smiled and laughed.
"Taehyung what the fuck did you just say?" Jungkook asked.
"I'll break your fucking face. Don't tempt me Taehyung". He said pissed off.
Taehyung just stared at Jungkook
"I don't know what your talking about Jungkook". "But you didn't answer my question" Taehyung said.
"I don't need to give you a fucking answer" Jungkook said.
"Well that answers it right there. You don't fuck her good.. Like I do. If she doesn't cum like how I make her then your not good. Then your not fucking her pussy good enough. At least I know how to make her feel. She needs a man that knows how to work it and make her pussy want more. I can give her that." Taehyung said with his smirk. Jungkook had enough of Taehyung. He pulled over into empty Lot.. pulled Taehyung out of the car and slammed him against the wall and punched him consistently.
Jungkook pulled the gun on Taehyung.
Taehyung started laughing.
"Go ahead and shoot me Jungkook.."
Jungkook had the gun loaded and pointed it to his head.
"Are you scared? Your a pussy! Your a fucking pussy". Taehyung angrily said. Jungkook had fury coming out of his eyes. Jungkook stepped back.
"That's what I thought.. your a pus...Taehyung tried to get the rest of the word out. But Jungkook shot him in the leg and in the foot.
"Am I a pussy now?" Jungkook asked.
Taehyung looked down.. blood running down his leg. "You fucking Asshole"
Taehyung said pissed off.
He threw towels at Taehyung.
"Wrap that shit up, your not getting blood everywhere in my car"
Jungkook said getting into the car and turning it on.
Taehyung slowly walked to the car with his leg wrapped up.
"I'm going to tell the boss that you got shot. Got it? Don't fucking tell no one that I did this to you " Jungkook said pissed. Jungkook drove super fast to get home. He was this close of killing Taehyung right then and there. Jungkook was just waiting for the right time to do it.


I was still outback on our pool deck hanging out with the guys. I couldn't do much cause I was sitting down. But I was having a lot of fun. The most fun I have ever had. The guys were catering me like I was the queen. I actually felt cared for. We started playing games and just listening to music and just laughed the whole time. Namjoon walked over to me
"Having fun sis? He smiled. I looked over at him "Yeah, I really am. It's way better than staying in my room all the time ". He looked at me upset.
"Y/N, I'm really sorry how I treated you all these years. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking. Like what kind of brother would do this to his sister. I have never seen you smile and be this happy before. But can you forgive me? I'll never treat you like that ever again. I promise. I'll always protect you."
He said with tears in his eyes. My brother never ever cries. I smiled and hugged him and kissed his cheek.
"I already did forgive you." I smiled. He hugged me tight and got up. Jimin came over and gave me a cup of my favorite soda. He knew I couldn't drink since I was on the medication. We heard the gate open and it was Jungkook and Taehyung. Everyone turned to look at them. The music stopped and the guys rushed over to them. I sat up and saw Jungkook helping Taehyung.
"Jungkook! What happened?" I heard my brother say. They were talking so low I couldn't hear anything. I started getting nervous. They carried Taehyung to a chair and sat him down. Jungkook looked at me and smiled and winked at me. I smiled back. I felt awkward sitting there so I tried to get up by myself. Jungkook and Jin saw me and Yoongi got my crutches and all three helped me get to the door. Namjoon looked at me to make sure I was okay. I looked back and smiled and went inside. I was able to get to my room. I sat on my bed and put the crutches right next to me. Jungkook was already at my window. It was opened.
He came right in and closed it behind him. "Hello, my princess" he said with a smile. I smiled back and started blushing. Jungkook sat next me and pulled my face closer to him and kissed me.
"I miss you so much. I couldn't wait to have you in my arms " he said with a smile. I was curious on what had happened with Taehyung. But I was to nervous to ask. Jungkook looked at me
"Y/N you okay?" He asked. I looked back at him. I wanted to ask him but it wouldn't come out. Jungkook stared at me confused. Until he figured it out...
"You want to know what happened to Taehyung don't you?" He asked. I nodded my head.
"Umm.. there was just some
miscommunication and next thing I knew he was on the ground " he said.
"Who did it?" I asked. He looked at me concerned and confused.
"I don't know Y/N.. I didn't see his face"
He said. It went quiet between us. I just laid on his chest listening to his heartbeat. I can see that he was making his fingers look like a spider and was going up my leg. I started smiling and giggling. He traveled up my leg.. touched me and just teased me. I looked up at him and he was biting his lip.
"Mr Jungkook, your a dirty boy " I said smiling. "What are you talking about?
I'm innocent" he said still biting his lip. He looked at me and started kissing me kind of rough. I liked it.

"What time is it? He asked. I looked over at my clock on my nightstand and it said 8pm. "Hmmm" he said. I looked at him confused. "Are you good at lying?" He asked. I've lied multiple times so I guess I am. "Yeah"? I said still confused.
"Okay good, umm I'll call you. I got something planned. I love you" he kissed me and left. I was still really confused.
I watch him leave out my window. What does he got planned. A hour later he calls...

"Hello " I answered smiling

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"Hello " I answered smiling. He giggled on the other end. "Listen, tell Namjoon that you had to go to the store to refill your medicine and you asked me to take you." He said. "Why?" I questioned.
"Baby, please for me " he said sweetly.
"Okay...then what do I do after that?" I asked. "You call me and I will pick you up " he said. I wonder what he got planned. "Alright, I'll call you soon " I said. "Okay baby " he said. We hanged up the phone. I got up found my purse. I had to make sure I had my wallet in there. I slowly got on my crutches and headed for the elevator. Namjoon was in the kitchen getting drinks. He turned around and saw me.
"Y/N where are you going?" He asked.
Oh no, it was the time to lie... (Okay Y/N act serious. Don't make it look like your lying). "I asked Jungkook if he could take me to the store to get my medication refilled. I figured you wouldn't have mind. I'm just running really low on it"
I said and just stared at him.
"Okay no problem, just be careful"
He said with a smile. I smiled back and I started heading to the door. I called
Jungkook back. "Hello princess" he answered. I started smiling on the other side. "I'm ready" I said. "Okay, I'll be right there." He said with a smile. Jungkook pulled up in his Adventador. He got out of the car and headed towards me. Jungkook help me get down from the steps to the passenger seat door. He opened the door and slowly helped me in and closed it.
Jungkook got in and smiled
"You ready?" He asked.
"I'm ready, I'm just wondering where we are going " I said. "It's a surprise baby "
He smiled and kissed me. We drove off out of my driveway to where he was taking me. I wonder what it could be? .

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