Chapter 7:

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Me and Jungkook were still by the pond just walking and talking. He kept kissing my hand. "How did I get so lucky to have you Y/N?" He said smiling. I started blushing. "You ready for the dance tonight? I know you will look so beautiful" he said. I smiled. "Will you save a dance for me tonight Y/N?" He asked. How can I not dance with him tonight. "Yes, I'll save a dance for you " I said. Jungkook kissed me passionately. Jungkook looked at me smiling but he looked nervous. "Are you okay?" I asked. He smiled big.
"I got you a little something and I just hope you like it " he said nervously. Jungkook had in his hand a black box with a white bow on it. First my brother and now Jungkook? Jungkook opened it and it was a diamond heart necklace.

 First my brother and now Jungkook? Jungkook opened it and it was a diamond heart necklace

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I gasped over how beautiful it was!
"Omg! Jungkook!" I gasped. "Its so beautiful" I said with a smile. Jungkook smiled and took the necklace out of the box and put the necklace around my neck. "Y/N you will always have my heart " he said with a smile. My eyes filled with tears. Being the silly type I splashed him with water . Jungkook splashed me back. We looked like two little kids. I was by the pond splashing him with water I lost my balance and I pulled him in the water with me. We couldn't stop laughing.Jungkook's phone started ringing. Good thing his phone was in a lifeproof. "Hello? Hey boss.. were going there again? Alright.. Am I going alone? Yoongi and jin? Okay sounds good see you soon.. bye " he hung up the phone. Jungkook looked at me.
"Baby I got to go.. I'll see you tonight. Do me a favor. I don't want you by yourself. Can you go hang out with Namjoon? I don't trust you being alone.."he said worried. I didn't want to disappoint him. "Yeah, I'll go hang out with my brother. I can help him set up for tonight". I said. Jungkook smiled and kissed me goodbye. I watched the love of my life walk away. I got up out of the pond and I felt someone looking at me. I turned around and there was no one there. In my head, I was figuring out which dress,shoes and earrings to wear tonight. I finally met up with my brother. My brother looked at me confused. "Y/N? What happened? Why are you all wet?" He said and walked over to me. "I was walking by dad's pond and I slipped and fell in " I said laughing. Jimin and Jhope were cracking up. My brother rolled his eyes and smirked a little. One of our house keepers got me a towel. My brother, Jimin and Jhope were talking about the party. "Where's Taehyung?" Jimin asked. "He went to the dock to get something for me"Namjoon said. I sat down in the chair next to them. My phone vibrated

I smiled so big reading his text I don't know how many times I read the "I love you so much" part of the text

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I smiled so big reading his text I don't know how many times I read the "I love you so much" part of the text. I looked up and Jimin looked at me. I got embarrassed and put my head down. Shit! I bet I look weird smiling for no apparent reason.
"Y/N what do you think about putting candles on the ground going up to the ballroom?" Namjoon asked. I put my hand on my chin thinking about that. "I think it'll be pretty.." I said. We were going over all decoration ideas. My back was turned still talking to my brother,Jimin and Jhope. Taehyung came up right next to me. My hair stood up on my arms and I couldn't breathe. I was so uncomfortable to be next to him. I walked away from him and stood next to Jimin. My heart was beating fast. I can feel him watching me. I couldn't wait for Jungkook to come back. Finally, my phone went off.

I told everyone except for Taehyung that I was heading to my room

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I told everyone except for Taehyung that I was heading to my room.
Don't think Taehyung liked that too much. As I went into my room, first thing I did was go to the window to unlock it. I unlocked my window and went to get everything ready for our shower. Someone came behind me and covered my eyes. I stood their frozen.. Was this Jungkook or Taehyung? He started kissing and biting my neck . He said "Why are you so beautiful?".I started tearing up cause I was petrified. I couldn't hold my tears in no longer. I was a sex victim, a target. He turned me around. He uncovered my eyes and I had them closed because I was afraid to open them. Tears streaming down my face. This is it right? I'm so fucked. He said "Y/N omg open your eyes.. baby!". I couldn't open them I was to afraid. "Baby, open them please. He begged. My heart was beating so fast. I feel like I'm going to pass out.
"Princess open your eyes". He said upset. As Tears were rolling down my face, I slowly opened my eyes. I looked at the man in front of me and It was Jungkook. I hugged him so tight. "I'm so sorry I thought you were Taehyung". I said crying. Jungkook held me tight and kissed my head.
"Baby, I love you so much. I won't let him touch or hurt you ever again" he said. I smiled wiping my tears away. He bent down to kiss me. It went from sweet kisses to hot sexy full on make out kisses. Jungkook picked me up. Took me into my bathroom and put me on top of my sink. He started undressing me, kissing and biting my bottom lip. He stepped back biting his lip undressing.
"Baby, damn your so fucking sexy" he said. Jungkook closed the door and the rest was history. Almost two hours later, we were on our bed. Both out of breathe. He held me close and just cuddled. I can totally get used to this. I loved him so much. "Can't wait to see how you will look tonight princess . I'm going to make sure no one else sweeps you off your feet. If I ever lose you, I wouldn't know what to do." He said upset. I got up and looked him in the eyes and touched his face and said. " Jungkook, I'm not going anywhere. I'm only yours baby. I promise. We made that promise together." I said smiling. Jungkook smiled big and pulled me down to kiss him. While we were kissing someone knocked on my door. OH SHIT! Me and Jungkook looked at the door scared. "Who is it?" I said nervous. It was the voice I didn't want to hear.
"It's your brother.. can I come in?" He said. SHIT!! Jungkook got out of bed and got dressed super fast and hid in my closet. "Hold on just getting out of the shower " I said rushing. I put on my robe and wrapped a towel over my head and straighten my room up before I opened the door. I got to my door and opened it. "Hey!" I said with a smile. Namjoon smiled back at me. "So, I got you a little something". He said. "What did you get me this time?" I said curious. Namjoon handed me the hanger part on the plastic cover. "What is this?" I said.
"Just open it. I hope you like it " he smiled. I put the hanger on my closet door and unzipped the cover. There it was! The louis Vuitton dress that I have been wanting. I looked at him stunned. "Omg omg omg! No you didnt" I said happily. He smiled at me
" I wanted to get you a dress you can wear tonight. And I figured this was perfect cause you've been wanting it. Oh I forgot! I got you two more things" he said giving me a smaller bag. Inside was a diamond mask. Then he handed me another present. Silver Diamond high heel shoes. " Just wanted you to make you feel special. I'm sorry I haven't been the best big brother and treating you like shit. But, could you forgive me Y/N?" He said sadly. My brother has never treated me this way. Maybe he's changing.
" Yes, I forgive you". I said smiling. Namjoon hugged me and kiss my head. I finally have my big brother back. My brother left my room and I locked the door. Jungkook came out of the closet and held me close and kissed me.
"Princess I got to go. I love you. promise me, if he tries to do anything text me " As he looked in my eyes. "I promise" I said.
He kissed me again and left out of the window.

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