Chapter 61:

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I was semi happy that I had someone else in my life. My coffee was all gone I needed more. I walked in the house quickly and quietly.. I didn't want no one to see me. But that didn't work...

I turned around after setting up my coffee just right... I turned around and my heart dropped. Jungkook and Jimin were right in front of me.. I stood there frozen. My heart beating fast... tears started to form.

"Hi" Jimin said.

My tears started to fall down my cheeks.

Jungkook just stared at me upset..

I didn't know what to say and where to go. I was trapped. I looked around trying to find a way to escape... but I couldn't.

I looked down sobbing and crying. I couldn't breathe. Then I heard a voice...

I looked up Yoongi was right there in the hallway looking at us.

"Hey.. Jungkook... Jimin let's go!" He said stern and looked at me.

"We gotta do this fucking assignment" he said.

Whoa! I could tell he was mad...

"Y/N... I'm..." Jimin was trying to say until Yoongi cut him off.

"Yo! Let's fucking go NOW!" Yoongi yelled.

They both walked away and left me alone.

Yoongi winked at me and they left.

I didn't know what to do... please I need to be at peace. I need to make up my mind... do I want to be with him or not...

I walked to the screen in patio and turned the TV on. Can I find something good to watch this time?...

Scanning through the channels until I found something. It was my favorite movie of all time... Titanic...

As I was watching the movie my phone started ringing... it was Jess


"Hello" I said.

*Hey girly what are you doing?*

"Watching Titanic and drinking my coffee. What about you?"

*I just got done work.. I wanted to check up on you*

"I'm still the same.. do you wanna come over? If your busy... I understand"

*Girl I got nothing to do. I'll be over in a few. Did Titanic just start?*


*Pause it and we will watch it together*

I smiled

"Okay I paused it"

*See you soon!*

We hanged up

About 15mins later, there was a knock at my door. I let Jess in and she brought snacks and wine with her.

Went straight to the patio and watched the movie.

I ordered pizza for us cause I knew she wasn't leaving any time soon. After Titanic was over we watched... The Notebook.

Hours passed we watch all movies that aired on the TV. I heard the front door open and voices coming down the hall.

I didn't pay attention... I didn't care who it was.

I looked up it was Yoongi ... he looked at Me and Jess.

"Hey" he said.

Jess looked up at him then back at the movie...

"Hey Yoongi" I said smiling.

Sex, Love, Mafia ? (18+)Where stories live. Discover now