Chapter 18:

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I cried myself to sleep.. I didn't even know what time it was. I just didn't want to look at anyone. I hope Jungkook is okay... he's the only one I can count on. My phone kept lighting up... I didn't even want to look at it. So I threw it on the floor. My bedroom door opened.. at that point I didn't give a fuck who it was. Go the fuck ahead Taehyung.. take advantage of me!! I heard something get put down. I was too tired to even open up my eyes. The person rubbed my head and kissed it. Is that Jungkook?Hmmm?...
"I love you little sis...I'm sorry" .
He said walking out the door. It was Namjoon! In his voice you can tell he was upset. Good! He deserved it... such an Asshole. No wonder why mom loved him more.
Then not even 5 mins after my brother left my room. My bedroom window opened and closed. Ugh! Can I get any sleep?!? Something else I heard get put down next to me. I heard the person walk around my bed and got under the covers and laid down next to me and held me. Aww shit! Its Taehyung! FUCK!

"Hey.. princess are you awake?" He asked.
The only person who talks so sweet and innocent is Jungkook. I got up and put my light on. There was Jungkook next to me. He had no shirt on. My God! His chest!!! JESUS!! He was so fit! His muscles, abs EVERYTHING! He's so fucking sexy! (Okay okay Y/N chill... breathe...) I smiled and pushed my loose hair behind my ear. He smiled back at me. Jungkook pulled me closer to him and he kissed me. "Are you okay baby?" He asked concerned. I just laid my head on his shoulder. I looked over and saw my crutches. I guess that's what Namjoon brought in. But next to it was a vase full of flowers and another teddy bear.

I smiled at Jungkook with happy tears. He's the only person that can make feel better.
"Baby, this is soo sweet... thank you" I said teary.

"Anything to see my princess smile" he smiled back. Jungkook just played with my hair and kissed me on my head.

"I love you" he said. My heart was beating fast.

"I love you too" I said. He held my hand and saw the marks from the ropes on my wrist. Jungkook pulled my hand and kissed it. I looked at him and smiled.

"Can we just leave and never come back?" I asked him.
"I wish...but you know I can't. If I wasn't working with your brother I'd be taking you wherever you wanted to go" he said.

"I know.. it's just nothing isn't going right for me. The only thing that is good in my life is you. Look what's happening to me. And It won't stop.. I just want to run away." I said crying.

Jungkook lifted my head up to look at him. "Baby, you don't have to worry about anything. I'm here. I always wanted you... now I have you. I protected you when we were younger And I will continue to protect you." He said. Jungkook kissed me passionately. We laid in my bed and I started feeling queasy. Even though I couldn't walk properly... I made it to the bathroom. I started throwing up. Jungkook came up behind me and held my hair back and was rubbing my back. I finally stopped and brushed my teeth. What just happened? Jungkook looked at me and was concerned.

"Baby are you okay?" He asked nervous. Something didn't seem right. Was it something I ate? Am I pregnant?!? Was it just my nerves? I looked at Jungkook and started getting nervous. Oh No! I'm not ready. I found a pregnancy test underneath my sink just to be on the safe side. Jungkook face was completely white. It looked like he saw a ghost. He waited by the bathroom door with his arms crossed.
(Please be negative...Please be negative) I kept saying to myself. Who's baby could it be If I was pregnant? Taehyung's or Jungkook's? The results came back....

 Who's baby could it be If I was pregnant? Taehyung's or Jungkook's? The results came back

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