Chapter 38:

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I walked through my front door. I wasn't ready to face him. I closed the door slowly I didn't want to wake anyone up. I went into the kitchen and got me something to drink. My mouth was so dry from all the alcohol we drank last night. I decided to walk outside to go to my dad's pond.  I walked out and saw all the guys at the table.

Jimin and the rest of the guys turned their heads

"Hey sis!" Jimin and Namjoon said.

"Good morning guys!" I said smiling. Everyone smiled until my eyes met his. Jungkook looked at me and put his head down.

Were we really over? I looked away and started walking over to the pond. Fuck love! I'm done with this shit. It's not worth it.

Going to my dads pond always made me feel better.

"Good morning daddy" I said smiling.

I walked to the end of the pool away from everyone and put my feet in the pool.  I got my phone out and looked at all the pictures from last night with Michelle. I can't wait for her to come back.

Someone sat beside me

"Sis! You okay?" Jimin asked.

I smiled and looked at him and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah I'm okay... Just tired" I laughed.

"How much did you drink?" He asked.

I laughed

"I don't even know" I said.

We both laughed.

"So, if you don't mind me asking... But what happened?" He asked.

I didn't want to think about it nor talk about it. It would just make me cry...

"A lot... I think we are over" I said almost crying.

Jimin held me close

"Don't think like that.. it was a argument.. everyone argues. It's normal. You guys will be better I promise" he said rubbing my back.

I wanted to believe him but my heart didn't..

"Jungkook hasn't been himself... I don't know if it was because of the drinks and all or over you guys. But he isn't smiling of anything" Jimin said concerned.

I didn't know how to respond

"I don't know... But I'm going to lay down. I'm really tired" I said tired.

"Okay sis" he said and help me up.

I walked back to go inside the house and all the guys were looking at me. Jungkook still had his head down.

Tears started to form but I didn't want no one to see me cry. I got up to my room and closed the door and jumped in the shower. The cold water felt good on my body.

Omg how much did me and Michelle drink? My head started to hurt a little. I put my lounge clothes on and jumped in my bed. I turned the tv on and just relaxed.

It felt good having my cousin here... I had someone I can talk to and not hold anything in.

Someone knocked on my door

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me Jhope" he said.

I got off my bed and opened the door. There was jhope holding coffee and he smiled.

"I figured you needed this" he said. Handing me the coffee.

"Thanks" I smiled.

I let Jhope come in my room...

Sex, Love, Mafia ? (18+)Where stories live. Discover now