Chapter 15:

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Taehyung wouldn't let me go. I was tied up to my bed. My clothes were stripped off. He even tied my sprained leg up really tight to were it was turning more purple than it was already. I still had my heart necklace around my beck. Taehyung saw it.
"Aww what a beautiful necklace" he said sarcastic. He ripped it off my neck and threw it on the floor. He looked at me
"You better listen to me.. when I want you.. you better come to me. With no fighting.Your little boyfriend isn't going to do shit and I won't let him. He doesn't own you... I do. So when I want that pussy you give it to me... Understand? I own you Y/N. You better do as I say.Your brother ain't shit to me either. Even if I work for him. I don't listen to no one. You are only mine no one elses". He said rudely. I was trying to speak but I had the rag in my mouth. He took it out...
"What are you saying?" He asked rudely.
I looked at him.
"You don't fucking own me Taehyung. Your a piece of shit. I don't have to listen to you. Your nothing to me but a fucking Asshole and a scumbag. I don't have to do anything for you. I'm not your fucking slave or prisoner. You don't own me!!!" I said rude and spit in his face. Taehyung looked at me angry. He grabbed my face.
"You little Bitch, what did I just say?". I started crying. "Yeah that's right cry " he said rudely... then he turned sweet...

"I don't want to be like this kitten... but I want you now " he said biting his lip.
I tried yelling at him. He removed the rag from my mouth again.
"OVER MY DEAD BODY " I yelled at him and kicked him. He fell off the bed. I tried to untie myself fast but he got up off the floor... It was too late. He got up on top of me and covered my mouth and it went black....


It was the next morning, I didn't remember anything that happened last night. I couldn't move. I looked up and I was still tied to my bed. I freaked out. One of the ropes came untied, I was able to release my arms. I looked over and it was the Asshole sleeping next to me. I felt so disgusted. I looked at the sheets and there was blood everywhere from my leg that was already fucked up and it was more swollen then ever. I untied both of the ropes off my leg. And reached for my crutches slowly. I didn't want to wake up the beast.

"Where do you think your going kitten?" He said. I looked back at him and didn't answer him. "I said, where are you going?" As he pulled me back by my hair. I pushed him off.
"Going to the bathroom is that okay?"
I said agitated. Taehyung smiled. I got up slowly and got my crutches and went to the bathroom. I grabbed my phone and looked at it.

I sat on the bathroom floor crying

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I sat on the bathroom floor crying. Why is this happening to me? Can't Taehyung just leave me the fuck alone?
"What's taking you so long?" He asked
"Shut up Taehyung!" I said pissed. I heard him giggle.
"Kitten don't start " he said "You'll regret it". I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I had bruises, scratches, a black and blue eye, hickey's and hand marks around my neck and the marks from the ropes on my wrist and ankles. I balled my eyes out. "Come here kitten " he said. I slowly opened the door. I sat on my bed.
"Good girl" he said smiling. "I have to go to work. You behave don't tell ANYONE about this understand? Or you'll have it coming to you. Oh! By the way you better lie and say you fell got it? He said rudely. I just stared at him.
"Got it Y/N?" He said. I didn't say anything. He grabbed my face and tried to kiss me but I pulled away. Taehyung laughed and smirked while he got dressed and left my room. I laid in my bed crying and crying. My window opened up and closed. I felt someone hold me. "Baby?" I heard the person say
I didn't want to look up. I was scared. He lifted my head up and saw my face. Jungkook looked at me. He saw something shinny on my floor. Jungkook got off my bed to go grab it. He held it in his hands and looked at me.
"Baby what the fuck is going on?" He asked annoyed. I couldn't say anything.
"Y/N?" He asked. I couldn't breathe. I was hyperventilating. Jungkook came up beside me. "Baby who did this?" He asked. I couldn't tell him.. or Taehyung would kill me. I felt like I was going to throw up. I tried getting up by myself but Jungkook got off the bed and helped me up. And thats when he saw the rest of my body all fucked up.
"Y/N what the fuck happened to you?" He asked pissed off. Jungkook is the only person I don't like lying too...
"Umm... I... umm off the bed in the middle of the night" I said sobbing.
Jungkook looked at me and crossed his arms. "Y/N.. your lying.. your not that good baby " he said. I put my head down crying. Trying to keep my balance on the crutches. He walked over to me.
"Did Taehyung do this to you?" He asked annoyed. I shook my head no.
" I told you I fell off the bed " I said sobbing. He wasn't falling for it. He knew I was lying. And the fact that ... the scratches and the black and blue eye wouldn't have been caused by me falling off the bed.

"Baby, did he do this?" He asked again. I was biting my tongue hard.
"Please, be honest with me " he said.
I went over to him and cried. He held me tight and kissed me.
"He did this.. I know he did. When did this happen?". He asked.
"It happened last night right after you dropped me off". I said.
"Please Jungkook, Don't do anything. He'll know I told you. He'll kill me." I said worried. Jungkook was pissed off.

"Baby, don't worry about it. I'm not going to do anything okay?" He looked at me. Jungkook kissed me but stopped when he heard someone was at the door
"Y/N?" The person asked. Jungkook helped me get to the bathroom. He ran and hid in the closet. But I left it cracked.
"Who is it? I asked. It went quiet.
"It's me Jimin.. can I come in?"
I looked through the door and saw Jungkook. He nodded to me yes.
I started covering up the scratches, bruises and marks up with my make up real quick. And brushed my teeth and fixed my hair so it was tamed.
"I'm coming" I said slowly going to my door. I opened my bedroom and there he was."Hey Jimin,what's up "? I said with a smile. He walked in and closed the door behind him. I just sat on my bed.
"Good morning! You look pretty this morning.Your brother just wanted me to tell you to join us for breakfast" he said smiling. I smiled
"Awww okay! I'll be right down " I said. Jimin just looked around the room then met my eyes. Then he smiled. He sat down next to me and held my hand...
Um what is he doing..? He was talking very low and trying to be seductive.
"Y/N listen, if you need anything or anyone to talk too come to me okay. I'll help you out.I can keep a secret okay. " Jimin smiled at me and rubbed my arm and got closer to me. This is not okay... I repeat This is not okay.... abort abort!!!

"Thanks Jimin, I appreciate it "
I smiled back awarkadly. He bent over and kissed and caressed my cheek. Jimin smiled and walked out my door with his hands in his pockets.. I was shocked... what just happened? Jungkook came out of the closet and I looked at him confused. He didn't like what just happened. Jungkook was curious and was very suspicious why out off all people why would Jimin do this.

"Baby, let's go down there for breakfast I'll meet you there okay?" Jungkook said. I smiled as I watched him leave my window. I was so confused.. I walked to my door to head to breakfast with the guys. But, something stopped me...I looked in the mirror on my wall and my necklace was gone... Taehyung broke it. This was totally unfair that I have to live like this... Being crazy in love with my boyfriend and keeping it a secret.. getting bossed around and getting taking advantage of by one of my brother's men and now Jimin? What the fuck is going on?!?!. I guess I wasn't meant to be happy... I just wish I never left my room.. I would've not been in this situation... It's all my fault...

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