Chapter 14:

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We were still driving.. I didn't know where the hell we were going. The whole drive Jungkook held and kissed my hand. I started smiling and the butterflies came. He touched my cheek and held my hand again. My heart was beating so fast! Jungkook finally parked. It was pitch black. I didn't trust the dark anymore since the party. Jungkook came around and opened the door for me. He helped me out and made sure I had everything. This was the first time I'm seeing Jungkook not in his attire. He looked normal for once. He had on a jacket with a fitted white tshirt underneath to where I can see his chest, jogging pants and sneakers. I just looked like a total hot mess. We slowly walked over to where there was light. He had set up a blanket by the lake with two wine glasses and roses in a vase in the middle and chocolate covered strawberries! My Favorite! As we got closer there was rose petals all around the blanket. I started choking up.
"Omg Jungkook!" I said teary-eyed.
"This is your surprise baby " he said happy. "Just wanted to do something different. Just to be alone and I don't have to hide ". We went over to the beautiful set up and he help me sit down. Jungkook even got me a pillow for my leg. He poured my favorite wine Moscato in both glasses. Before I drank some of my wine, I saw something shiny at the bottom of my glass. Jungkook was smiling from ear to ear. I picked it out and it was a diamond band. I looked at him shocked. "This is the second part of my promise to you. To always love and to take care of you. I will take my life for you Y/N. I love you more than you will ever know" he said as he slide the band on my finger. We kissed so passionately.
"I wish we could get married now... but we can't" he said. "I know, but we will"
I said smiling. He laid me down and kissed me. Jungkook kept checking if I was okay and if he was hitting my leg.
"Jungkook, this is absolutely beautiful"
I said. He looked at me smiling.
"I will do anything for you princess "
We kept kissing under the moonlight.
Since there was no one around us...
Jungkook started to get a little touchy.
"Baby! What are you doing?" I said
Biting my lip. He kissed me and bit
My bottom lip. "Just to make my baby feel good... and I hope really I do". Jungkook saw me roll my eyes back. He thought to himself and felt awarded that he did. It felt so damn good.But he was afraid to do anything because of my leg. I can see he was holding himself back. I looked at him
"Baby, are you okay?" I asked. He continued kissing and biting my lip.
He smiled seductively.
"Yeah! I just really want to make love to you right now. But I don't want hurt you." He said biting his lip. I pushed his hair back and pulled him closer and was biting and sucking his neck. I hear him moaning. "Damn, Y/N...fuck" he said moaning. "I want to make love to you so bad right now " he said moaning.
"I just don't want to hurt you baby. I never want to hurt you in any way".
He said. I looked at him and kissed him.
"Baby, I know you won't never hurt me.."
Said. We kissed. I wanted him badly too.
I unzipped his pants and pulled them down with his boxers. He looked at me speechless. "Baby! What are you doing he said? I didn't say anything.. just kept undressing him. I just kept kissing and sucking his neck. Jungkook slowly undressed me. When he got to my leg and he looked at me cause he didn't want to hit it. We were both completely naked. I slowly lift my leg up so I can get comfortable. Jungkook was biting and sucking on my neck and going down til he got to area. He started kissing and sucking that area as well. My eyes were rolling back. JESUS! MR. JUNGKOOK!
Two hours later, we covered ourselves with the extra blanket and out of breathe. He held me close to him and kissed my head. We both looked at each other and smiled. Jungkook was looking under the covers to see where I was laying. He wanted to see if he has done it. I looked at him confused.
"Jungkook? What are you Doing?" I asked. He looked up at me upset. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"Do I make you feel good when we have sex? He asked worried. I looked at him confused. "What are you talking about and where is this coming from?" I asked.
He just looked at me...
"Baby answer my question" he said upset. He's never asked me this before.
I grab his face and pulled it close to me.
"Babe, you make me feel amazing"
I said. "Where is this coming from?" I asked. He kissed me.
"I just wanted to know thats all " he said.
He held me close. I looked at him. He turned to look at me. "What?" He said. I'm still trying to figure out what just happened. "Nothing.." I said. I sat up and put my tshirt on and poured me a glass of wine. Jungkook knew that question bothered me. He put his hand on his head and sat up.
"Look baby, I'm sorry I asked that. It's just Taehyung said something to me and asked me a question and I wanted to see If I do it to you too" he said sadly.
I looked at him...
"What did he say to you?" I asked.
Jungkook told me what happened in the car with them two and what question Taehyung asked him.
"Are you for real? Your going to really believe him what he says?" I said annoyed. He put his head down.
"Look at me Jungkook, That Asshole takes advantage of me. I can't control anything he does as much as I fight it, I don't even know what happens half of the time. What me and you have is different. We are proving our love and commitment to eachother. Our hearts become one when we make love. Its intimate. I'll show you what you do to me " I said. I took his hand and placed it on the blanket to feel where it's wet. And I also put it on my area.
"See.. does this prove it to you? You make me wet! Mr. Jeon Jungkook! This is what you do to me." I said bitting my lip.
Jungkook did a seductive smile and bit his lip. He took my hand and placed it on his area. "This is what you do to me " he said with the sexy smile.
He laid me down on my back and it was round two. After we were done, we got dressed and just talked and drank some wine. We didn't even know what time if was. I was shocked that my brother didn't even call or text me . The reflection of the moon laid upon us. I was able to see the hickey's I left him. I started giggling. "What?" he said. I just looked at him. Jungkook was confused
I looked at the time on my phone and it said it was 12am.
"You ready to go princess?" He asked
I shook my head yes. We started packing up everything. Jungkook slowly helped me up and got me in the car. I was still giggling. "Why are you laughing?" He said still confused. "Oh...Nothing". I said
Jungkook just stared at me. He looked all over the car and there was nothing.
"Your confusing me women!" He said joking. He pulled down the mirror and looked all over at himself. Until he saw the hickey's. They were all over! big and small ones. He looked at me surprised.
"Oooo, Y/N your going to get it now" he said teasing. I started giggling again.
We really stopped at the cvs to pick up my medicine, so it didn't look like we were lying. We pulled up into my driveway. Jungkook helped me out and got me to the door. He even helped me get to my room.
"Y/N, I had an amazing time! Can't wait to do it again " he whispered. "It was amazing" I smiled. He sneakily kissed me.
"Goodnight Princess sweet dreams " he said smiling. "Goodnight sweet dreams ".
I smiled back. He walked away. I laid my back against the door. I just bit my lip. I smiled ear to ear. I loved him so much.
I put my bag on my chair and went over to the bed. Laid my crutches on my night stand and laid down. Just as I was about to close my eyes. I heard my bedroom door open. I closed my eyes tight had the blanket over my head. Could it be my brother or Taehyung? My heart was beating slow... then fast. I hear the person walking around my bed. And walked away. I thought I heard the door close. Did the person leave? The covers flew off me. OH SHIT!! I covered my eyes. The person pulled my hands away from my face and smiled.
"Hello, Kitten " he said with that smile that makes me shake....
"I missed you my sweet kitten ". I started crying. "Don't cry kitten.. I'll make this quick " Rubbing my leg traveling up to my inner thigh. I tried kicking and hitting him but he was too strong. He tied me up like he has done before.
DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING FIGHT ME" he said angrily. Tears started escaping my eyes."YOU HEAR ME?" he said squeezing my wrist tight.. I started crying in pain.. I can't get away from this Asshole. I'm just his victim... If I don't do as he says.. I don't know what he will do to me... My life is ruined....I'm controlled by this beast... HELP ME!

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