Chapter 28:

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We continued to make out... both of us still naked I was on top of him. Til, I heard noises coming from my outside my door. I turned around and things were coming through. 

"Just incase you guys need these " Jimin said.

Condoms, lube, Plan B were all on my bedroom floor. I got up to grab them.

"We don't need littles one running around here yet. So you better use the plan b and the condoms" Jimin said laughing.

"I'll be downstairs... have fun " Jimin said and walked away.

Jungkook walked over at me...

"We have never used condoms this whole time. Shocking you haven't gotten pregnant either.. since we've been doing it.." Jungkook said.

"Yeah I know.. I'm on birth control so were safe. If I were to miss a pill and we did it. Most likely I would've been pregnant. The day when I threw up... I thought I was.. but I wasn't. I Just wanted to make sure. Cause I ran out and I missed like three pills " I said.

"You know...when we're ready and not hiding. We will start a family... and I can't wait for that " he said smiling.

"I know I can't wait either " I smiled.

Jungkook pulled me closer.. our naked bodies touching. He pushed my hair behind my ear. Jungkook smiled and pulled my face to look at him.

"I'm so glad I have you... my wish... my dream... my everything... it came true. Everyday I prayed to have you. Since I was a kid as well. I waited and waited and look now your mine. You don't understand how much I love you. My love for you has never stopped. When I joined your brother, I knew I wouldn't be able to be with you... but I knew I would see you everyday and be around you. That made me happy. Then when I found you in the pantry my heart was beating so fast. But... when we walked to your room and I tried to kiss you on your cheek I started to get butterflies. My heart was going a mile and minute. THEN you! Naughty girl did all that to me. But you got it back. Like I said, I didn't want you just for sex only... to me when we did that... it was love making.
Then when that mother fucker does all this shit to you... it hurts me. Cause I feel like I'm going to lose you.... I don't want that Y/N. You have always been the love of my life. I wish I could tell your brother.. but I know he will be furious at us. I love you so much baby more than you'll ever know" Jungkook said tearing up.

I was speechless.. I pulled Jungkook closer to me and kissed him. I didn't know what to say. The whole time I had butterflies. I was choked up.

"Y/N, I love you" Jungkook said again.

"I love you too Jungkook" I said with a smile.

We kissed again...

"Why don't we finish this later when we are about to go to bed. Let's go hang out with Jimin? I feel bad for leaving him downstairs by himself" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah I'm cool with that... as long as I get to choose the first position we are doing tonight Mr. Jungkook" I said and winked.

Jungkook bit his bottom lip

"Baby, we can do any position you want" he said biting his lip still.

Jungkook kissed me again but this time our tounges were twisting around eachother. He pulled away and pulled and bit my bottom lip.

"Damn baby!!" Leaving me breathless

Jungkook giggled.

I bent down to grab my clothes when I felt my ass get smacked.

"BABY!!!!" I yelled. I turned around and still Jungkook was biting his lip.

"Your going to get it Mr. Jeon Jungkook" I said teasing.

Sex, Love, Mafia ? (18+)Where stories live. Discover now