Chapter 9:

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I woke up but I was completely out of it . Where was I? It was pitch black not one glimpse of light anywhere. Why would Jungkook do this to me? I thought he loved me. But I guess I was wrong. This wasn't love..he was just using me. Just what I thought... just for sex. I started crying. I'm so fucking stupid! How can I fall for someone like him? I got my hopes up thinking this was real love but It wasn't. I was so disappointed in myself. What the fuck is wrong with me?...

Everyone was still looking for me.They were all in Namjoon's office. Taehyung finally met with the guys. Jungkook saw him coming in and just stared at him the whole time with his arms crossed. "Taehyung! Where have you been?" Namjoon said annoyed. Taehyung looked at him shocked. " I went to use the bathroom and then I got a phone call. What is going on?" He asked. Jungkook knew Taehyung did something. " Y/N is missing" my brother said as he banged his desk. Taehyung didn't know what to say. "Boss, we can't give up we have to keep looking". Jimin said. Namjoon looked at him. "Jimin, I would never give up on my sister. I just want her home safe." He said almost crying. Taehyung acted upset in the corner. Jungkook just kept staring at him like he wanted to kill him. "Namjoon, we have to do something. We can't just stay in here. " Yoongi said. "I know guys, I just can't think straight. Guys just go out there and  just have a good time. I have to make a plan". He said as he sat at his desk with his hand on his head. "We are not leaving" Jhope said. Namjoon looked up with tears in his eyes. "Guys, please just go out there " he said crying. One by one the boys left. Taehyung was against the wall outside of the office acting like he was thinking of a plan for all of them to come find me. Jungkook saw him and ran up to him and pushed him up against the wall hard.. "Taehyung, I know you had fucking something to do with this. Where the fuck is she? Jungkook asked pissed. Taehyung just stared at Jungkook. "I don't know what your talking about. I didn't do shit " he said. Behind them Jimin,Jhope,Jin,Yoongi just staring at them. "You guys okay?" Jhope asked. Jungkook let go of Taehyung. "Yeah were good " Jungkook said. "Right Taehyung?" He asked. Taehyung stared at Jungkook "Yeah, were good just some miscommunication" he said annoyed.

I wanted to get out! I'm tied to a chair.... ugh! I'm never talking to Jungkook ever again. I'm done with love... Fuck Taehyung and fuck Jungkook. I don't need no one but myself. I had a flashback of my dad telling me what to do if I was in this situation. I'm so glad my dad taught me that. I was able to escape because of my dads advice and technique. I was in so much pain .. Why? What the fuck happened? I didn't know where I was. Was I still in my house? I kept walking but I was limping. I saw some light shining through. It started looking familiar to me. I kept walking until I knew where I was. I was finally in my backyard. I limped all the way to the back door of the ball room. I entered the ballroom and everyone stared at me. Everybody's face dropped in shock. "BOSS, SHE'S HERE " Jhope yelled. My brother ran over to me and hugged me and was crying. "Y/N are you okay? What happened?".
I started crying "I don't remember anything " I said. He helpd me walk to a chair. He sat next to me and wouldn't let me go. Jimin asked "Y/N can I get you something?" I looked at Jimin."No,
I'm okay thank you though" I said. As I looked around Jungkook met my eyes and he smiled. I looked away. I looked at my brother "I'm so sorry " as I said crying. He was wiping my tears as they fall. "Y/N why are you saying sorry?" He asked. I looked at him "I ruined the party, look at my dress I ruined everything" I said crying. He hugged me tight and kissed my head. "None of this matters to me. You matter to me. I'm just glad your back home " he said with tears in his eyes. "Namjoon, I just want to go to sleep.". I said. He looked at me and shook his head.
"Guys, I'm going to take Y/N upstairs. You guys enjoy tonight okay?" He said. Namjoon picked me up slowly as we walked to my room. I was bruised up. I couldn't walk. We got to my room. He turned around so he didn't see me naked. I was finally dressed and he put me in my bed and put the covers over me and kissed my head.
"I love you Y/N " he said looking at me. I looked at him before I closed my eyes.
"I love you too " I said. He closed the door behind him. I took the heart necklace Jungkook gave me and threw it on the ground. And I fell asleep. While I was sleeping my window started opening up by itself. SHIT! I didn't lock it. I opened my eyes under the cover. Its Taehyung! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!.
I heard foot steps and I heard the person pick something off the ground. He walked over to the bed. "Y/N?" He asked.
I knew that voice it was Jungkook. I didn't want to look at him. He came over to kiss my head and I shooed him away and I looked at him and gave him the nastiest look ever. He looked at me confused and put his head down. He didn't know what to say. Jungkook headed out to the window.
"Y/N, I love you " he said sadly and left. I fell asleep. I just wanted today to be over. 

Jungkook was on the ground he looked at my window with tears in his eyes. My necklace was in his hand and he just stared at it. What the fuck just happened? He was thinking. Jungkook walked back to the ballroom and was hanging with the guys. He had to act like nothing happened. He got a drink and sat down and was talking to the rest of the guys. Jungkook thought about everything over and over again. The guys were making a plan to figure out who did this to me. He just looked away. Jungkook knew who did it and just stared at the Suspect. He knew it was Taehyung. "Jungkook?"
Jhope asked. Jungkook just kept staring at Taehyung with hatred in his eyes.
"Jungkook?" Jhope asked. He was too deep into staring at Taehyung figuring out when he was going to kill him. Jhope came and touched Jungkook's shoulder. He jumped and looked at Jhope.
"Dude are you okay?" Jhope asked.
Jungkook just stared at him. "Yeah!
Why are you asking that?" Jungkook asked. "Cause your just staring and clenching your hand tight and you broke the glass with your drink in it " Jhope said concerned and confused. Jungkook looked at his suit and it was soak and wet with his drink. He had to lie. But how? "Oh.. um just thinking who could've done this to Y/N " he lied through his teeth staring at Taehyung. "Yeah, we are trying to figure out that too. It had to be someone here " Jhope said. All the guys sat down at the table.
"Jungkook, you were with Y/N.. what happened?" Namjoon looked at him.
"Like I told you, after we dance I told her to stay right there and not to move and I was going to get us drinks. I left her there and I came back and she was gone " he said concerned. All the guys were thinking who could've done it. Taehyung had a smirk on his face. "Taehyung, why are you smiling?" Yoongi asked. Every one looked at Taehyung. He looked at each and everyone. "I'm not smiling Yoongi! This is how I think" He said annoyed. They were all trying to figure out everything. At the time it happened to the time I entered the ballroom. It just didn't add up. Who could've done that in a short amount of time?...

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