Chapter 50

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I was still making Jungkook feel good. He couldn't control himself. Jungkook kept pushing my head down hard he wouldn't let me come up. Making me gag a tear escaped from my eye... I started smacking his leg to make him stop.

"I'm so sorry baby" he said as he lifted up my head to look at him.

"Geez you trying to kill me with this beast?" I said jokingly smiling. I stood  up wiping my mouth.

"Beast?" Jungkook said seductive getting out of bed and biting his lip.

"Yes, it's massive, hard, fast and goes rough... yup its a beast" I raised my eyebrow up and looked at him seductive.

"Does this pussy loves the beast?" He grabs me closer...biting his lip looking at me.

"Oh yes... she does..." I said biting my lip.

"Baby... what did I tell you about that?" He bit his lip and smacked my ass hard.

I didn't say anything.... just kept biting my lip.... staring at him seductive.

"The beast rage mood right. And I think he needs something to release his anger" Jungkook said seductive.

Jungkook started biting and sucking my neck. His hands going everywhere on my body. He slide his hands inside my shorts and started rubbing my pussy in a circular motion.

" your wet..." Jungkook said biting my neck. He stopped once he saw the other hickey on my neck.

"What the fuck is that?" Jungkook said pissed pulling my neck to the side. To get a closer view.

I covered it up with my hand. I forgot that the hickey Taehyung left me was there. 

"Did this happened when Jimin found him?" Jungkook asked

I nodded my head yes with tears streaming down my face.

Our romantic moment got ruined over the fucking asshole. Especially with my bruised eye and all.

Jungkook put all his clothes on but left his shirt unbuttoned. Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed.. He covered his face again and started crying.

I walked over to me and held him. Jungkoom wrapped his arms around me.

"See... I...I..can't...protect you... If I was there... you wouldn't...have...that....I'm late" Jungkook said sobbing.

I bent down and pulled his to look at me.

"Stop baby...please.. stop" I said wiping his eyes.

Jungkook's eyes were all red and puffy.

"Who's my knight and shining armor?" I said smiling...

"Not me..." he said sobbing

"Yes you are baby" I said wiping his tears

"How? I haven't saved you from anything.." he said sobbing.

"Yes you did.." I smiled

"What did I save then?.." he said sobbing.

"You saved my heart" I smiled.

"I know I know.. that was cheesy but I mean it" I giggled.

"Yeah that was really cheesy but cute" he said with a small smile.

Jungkook pulled me closer and kissed me passionate. Our foreheads touch when he stopped kissing.

"I love you so much baby" Jungkook said.

"I love you so much" I said.

Jungkook cupped my face and we kissed again. He wouldn't let me go. I didn't want to end our kiss.

He picked me up and laid me on the bed. Jungkook took his shirt off and took mine off. I was in my last bra. Jungkook then took off my shorts. He was biting and kissing my neck. He was giving me love bites. As his hand was inside my thong. Rubbing me in a circular motion.

"Damn baby your wet..." Jungkook  said biting his lip.

I was rolling my eyes back. It felt way to Damn good.

He shoved two fingers in me and started fingering me. Went down and started kissing and sucking my clit while he was fingering me.

"Fuck...fuck... mmmm" I said.

"Baby you taste so fucking fucking sweet! I love this pussy" he said biting his lip.

Jungkook took my bra off and sucking and rubbing my breast. While he was fingering me still. He stopped and took of his shorts. And thrusted in him hard and fast.

"The beast is in range mood now....mmm. the beast wants this pussy" Jungkook said biting his lip.

"Mmmm fuck it hard....Own it..." I said moaning.

"As you wish" Jungkook said going faster and harder. 

I was moaning and so was he we were both going louder.

"Mmmm daddy" I moaned.

"You like that princess?" Jungkook asked

"Mmmmm daddy.... yes..." I moaned.

"Mmmm Jungkook mmmm" I moaned again.

"Fuck... I love it when you moan my name" he moaned.

He flipped me over so I was on top of him.

"Who owns this dick?" Jungkook moaned.

"I-I d-do d-daddy" I moaned

"Prove it..mmm..." he moaned.

I fucked him hard and rough and bounced on him super fast. Jungkook's eyes were rolling in the back of his head.

"Mmmmm FUCK mmmm " he moaned.

I moaned

"FUCK D-DADDY MMMMMM" I moaned loud.

We forgot the door was unlocked. Jhope and Jimin opened the door and just frozen.

"OH...MY...GOD!!" Jhope and jimin said.

Me and Jungkook both stopped...our faces white and I ran into the closet. Covering myself.

" I..." Jimin said speechless.

"Uh.. what.. guys...need? Jungkook said covering himself.

"Just didn't.. know.. what... you...uh" Jhope said.

"Yeah...we were um you can see" Jungkook said embarrassed.

"Okay...well...we ..guys
Uh...later...bye" Jhope and Jimin said running out the door.

Jungkook got up

"Baby? They are gone" he said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes baby" he smiled.

I took the blanket down and Jungkook bit his lip he was getting hard.

"We haven't fucked in the closet before" Jungkook said biting his lip.

He picked me up and started fucking me. Harder, faster and rough.

"This beast loves this pussy mmmm" Jungkook moaned.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK mmmmm" I moaned loud.

Jungkook made sure the door was locked.

He kept going faster then before... harder... rough..  making sure I can't walk right after.  Our moans echoed the closet.. no one can't hear us... just how we like it. Our moans and groans were getting louder by the second.

We came at the exact same time... we were out of breathe... but I was still horny and I can see he was too.

"Round two?" He asked.

I nodded my head yes and bit my lip.

Your in for it now babygirl" Jungkook said biting his lip.

And it was round two..... I don't think I can ever get tired of this...

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